Chapter six | they're not related

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Chapter six | they're not related

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The cafeteria wasn't very far from the therapists' room. In fact, it was the second door on the right from Dr. Clifford's office.

When I entered the cafeteria, suddenly all the noise ceased and I could hear a pen drop. Many patients were staring at me as I walked towards Twenty Four and Luke. I didn't quite like all the attention on me.

"Val!" was heard through the entire cafeteria. The loud voice belonged to Luke. I blushed and started walking faster with my head down toward the table. Once I reached my destination, I sat down and put my head in my hands. "What's the matter, Valentine?"

Even though Luke and I just met, it feels like I have known him for a really long time. I could possibly tell him my life story, and he wouldn't even need it because he already knows.

I lift my head and stare up at Luke. His beautiful eyes are sparkling with worry and his blonde hair is messier from when I left with the doctor. What is he?

I looked around the rest of the table. I didn't realize before that two other people were sitting with Twenty Four, Luke, and I. The two girls looked to be twins or related of some sort. I looked to Twenty Four for some explanation as to why new people were here.

"Oh right Valentine, you haven't met," Twenty Four says smiling. "This is Jazmyn and Gianna."

Twins? The question still circulating my brain. Related?

"They're not related at all," she says as if she could read my mind. "They have different last names and all."

I nod my head, not sure what else to say. Luke is still looking at me like i'm the only girl in the world. What is his motive? What is going through his brain?

"Do you like to read?" Luke suddenly asks me and i jump at his loudness. I nod my head. "You don't talk much anymore do you?"

The question has me thinking. Anymore? I believe I used to talk a lot when I had a reason and my own life, but now I rarely say anything. I don't know why that is though. To just give a little response, I say "no, i don't".

He gives me a small smile and takes my hand in his. The bold move sends shivers up my spine. His pale, large hand fits perfectly over mine.

"Come with me to get some food," he asks but it doesn't sound much like he's asking. He then is pulling me up to the line to wait for our turns.


A woman dressed in the light blue nurse uniform is yelling from the entrance of the cafeteria. Luke doesn't even acknowledge her as she starts speed walking to us. I tense and squeeze Luke's hand tightly. It's then that he looks at me instead of the food choices. His blue orbs are instantly filled with worry again. I nod my head toward the nurse and hide behind Luke. She seems very mean and i'm not in a mood to deal with it right now.

He turns to see the nurse. Her brown hair is up in a ponytail and her blue eyes are full of fury. Why is everyone so angry in this place?

"Luke!" she yells again, now directly in front of the blonde. Luke winces and goes to rub his closest ear to stop, what I'm expecting, the ringing. He sighs and says, "Yes Nurse Christal?"

He would look angelic if I had not seen him knock that kid out my first day here.

"Why haven't you come to take your medicine?!"

He doesn't answer. He just turns to me. He turns me around and lightly nudges me to walk forward. I do without question. The nurse yells for Luke to stop and listen but he doesn't. He just keeps walking to get food because he "would rather eat a thousand anchovies than swallow those large pills" or so he yells walking away for the nurse. I giggle and he beams at me brightly.

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