Chapter one | mean no harm

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Chapter one | mean no harm

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"Dad," i'd scream at the top of my lungs as they pulled me away from him. I was kicking and flailing in the doctors' arms. The doctors not showing emotion at all as they take the only thing good in my life away. Sending me to a place that would most likely be hell on earth. The screaming wouldn't stop as my dad pushes through the crowd of doctors to hopefully get to me. It doesn't quite work and I end up in a white truck, tied to a dentist-like chair.

The restraints holding me down as my lungs fight to not give out. I scream and scream until they inject my arm with some type of clear serum that instantly puts me to sleep.

The next thing I know, I wake up in a white bed with white blankets and white sheets wrapped around me. Everything in the room was white. I am tied to the bed, my arms tied beside my body, and my feet are also put in place with ropes. My throat is sore and I can't remember how I got here.

After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling, a doctor enters and looks me up and down. I'm guessing he's trying to decide whether to untie me or not. I try my hardest to look innocent so I don't have to be tied down anymore.

With a shrug of his shoulders, he loosens the ropy fabric from my wrists and ankles. I stay still and try to get on his good side.

Once I'm untied, he gently pulls me up so that I am standing. He then smiles at me. His demeanor soon warming up as he realizes I mean no harm.

"Hi, Ms. Summers," he says and sticks his hand out to me. I, not knowing what else to do, meet his hand and shake. He smiles wider and says, "I'm Dr. Irwin."

A doctor? Looking around me, I start to put the pieces together. The padded walls, the white interior. You're in some type of hospital.

His smile must be contagious because I am instantly smiling back, despite the situation.

I take a minute to really look at the doctor. His hair is a golden brown and it is sweep to one side with a few strands stuck to his forehead with sweat. His eyes are a hazel color with golden flecks sparkling bright. He would probably be considered very handsome in society but in here, he's just a doctor that cannot be your friend.

I pull my hand away and look down, remembering my place as a younger school girl. To not make eye contact with older men so that I wouldn't be asking for something I didn't want.

His smile vanished as he saw my mood change. His hazel eyes look puppy-like with sympathy like he knows something that I don't.

"Why am I here?"

Is the first thing I say to the doctor. He moves to the foot of the bed I was tied to and takes the clipboard there off. He flips through the pages until he lands on the answer. Once he finds it, he looks up at me. His eyes still showing sympathy. He doesn't answer my question. He closes the pages and tucks the wood under his arm.

"Well come on. Let me introduce you to your new home," I was about to protest but he was already at the door.

I followed him, still questioning why he wouldn't tell me what I was doing here.

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