Chapter fourteen | no emotion in his brown eyes

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Chapter fourteen | no emotion in his brown eyes

I couldn't move. I could speak. I couldn't do anything. Why is this effecting me? I don't recall this man, my father, doing anything to hurt me but I can feel it. I can feel all the pain that this man has caused me. I don't remember what exactly but I can feel the hurt spreading through my veins.

Looking around the room, I saw Luke in the opposite corner with two men. They had blonde hair and blue eyes just like the tall giraffe I had come accustomed to. I hadn't moved further in the area, too afraid to speak to the man who helped create me. I was scared of him. He looked different from how he looked in my dreams, and he had a grimace on his face. I realized he wasn't grimacing at the place I was in but rather a person, Luke. Luke didn't seem to notice my father in the room but he did notice me. He instantly smiled wider and waved at me. I waved back a smiled wider as well.

I could feel three more pairs of eyes follow Luke's and they were all looking at me, his two brothers and my father. My father didn't smile at me when he saw I was there, he just stared. On the other hand, Luke's brothers smiled and waved me over. I shook my head and discreetly pointed over to my father. The looked and their smiles faded quickly. A mix of anger and sadness accompanied both Ben's and Jack's face.

Luke looked over too. His face showed too many emotions at once, it's too hard to say how many. The only one that masked them all was the anger. He was about to get up and come towards my father but the other two boys held him in place.

I gulped and looked to my father. His face showed no emotions just as in my dreams. Was this the real him? I slowly started to walk to the table. Every footstep felt hard and terrible. I don't think I can talk to him. My heart hurts too much, and I can't pinpoint what kind of hurt.

Once I made it to the table, I sat down quietly across from my father. He glanced around the room when I sat down, his brown eyes connecting with Luke's. He smirked at the blonde as if to say 'I won this time' and looked back at me. I would've expected to at least see him feel something and to show it. There should have been some type of emotion in his eyes upon looking at me, but there was nothing. Not a single sparkle and no smile. In fact, he looked ashamed to see me.

"How are you?"

He said it as if he was pained to. Like he didn't want to be here and really didn't care about how I answered it. I shrugged my shoulders like I do with my therapist. I get the same response. He sighs heavily and, his large hands slam the table separating us. "Talk to me, you little brat!"

I jumped and looked at my father with wide eyes. I then get deja vu...

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