Chapter thirteen | in the corner

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Chapter thirteen | in the corner

HERE HAVE A SONG FROM THE NEW ALBUM aka the song that Calum Hood made his bitch

5 seconds of summer - Babylon

"Your name is so beautiful!" I screamed and jumped up from my sitting position on the old, dusty couch. "What does it mean?"

She laughed and shrugged her shoulders, "How the fuck am I supposed to know?"

I considered on asking her who named her but then decided against it. She probably doesn't want to relive the pain of her past and telling a friend isn't something she'd want.

"My grandma named me," she said smiling sadly. Her irises held so much pain and I could feel it when the tears started to come. "She passed away a few months ago."

Renée hunched over my body and began to ball. Her tears were wet and cold when they fell against my warm skin. She tried to suppress them but she ended up breaking down more.

"Every time I think about it, I turn into a big blubbering baby and I hate it! My grandma was the only one who cared about me! She promised she'd keep me out of places like this but she died! She left me."

Twenty Four started to cry even harder as her grip on my shirt tightened. In the process of her blubbering, her hat fell off of her head and onto the couch. Her luscious lucks were freed. The dark curly hair was planted flat against her scalp so the hat could be put on. She looked a mess.

"It'll get better Twenty Four. I promise," I said petting her hair to calm her. My gesture seemed to work because she stopped crying instantly. She moved away from me when she was fully calm. My hands fell to my sides as I warmly smiled at her. "It's all going to be okay."

She nodded. I didn't know what else to stay except that "we should probably be going back now". Once it was said we both got up and made our way back to the parlor.

Once we got back to the parlor, we sat down on the green plush couch that now has our butts imprinted on it. I sighed in relief as my backside made contact with the soft fabric. The piece of furniture smelled clean unlike the dusty old couch in the abandoned room.

"Valentine Summers to the visiting room."

What the hell? I gulped a turned to look at the girl seated next to me. Her maroon beanie was at its usual place, and she wasn't as shocked as I was to have heard my name called. I got up and looked around to make sure I heard right. When my name was repeated I walked towards Officer Hood and Officer Styles that were guarding the entrance to the visiting area. They both smiled at me and let me through.

I walked in the room to see multiple patients talking to visitors. Most looked like family and others were friends. There were around 15 tables in the room.

In the corner of the room was that face. The face I've seen in my dreams but can't remember most of life with. The face that had possibly let me be taking away.

That face belonged to my one and only father.

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