Chapter fifteen | no goodbye hurts

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Chapter fifteen | no goodbye hurts

"Talk to me, you little brat!" My father said as he pushed me against the wall. His hand wrapped around my neck as I struggled to breath. My back stung as his anger filled eyes bore into me. He looks royally pissed and if i make any sudden movement, i'm dead.

"I-I," I can't talk without stuttering, especially in front of my dad. He makes me afraid and a coward.


"I-I," the flashback ends and tears are swarming my innocent, grey eyes. I nod my head and look down at the table to, hopefully, prevent me from having a breakdown. "I'm f-fine."

The angry is soon replaced with contentment. He's not exactly happy with my response, but he is satisfied enough to move on.

"Good," his face goes back to blank and he is quick to get up from his seat. "Well, it's about time for me to leave."

"But you just got here,"

he shrugs and turns to leave out of the entrance without looking back. No goodbye. No care. He didn't care and I knew that.

I looked at his descending back as he slowly started to disappear. I watched until there was no silhouette left to see. All that was left was the light of the outside and the white walls of the facility.

I could feel the hurt in my chest and the tears in my eyes. I didn't want to cry. Not here and definitely not now. I looked around the room to see Luke and his brothers still gawking at me from their corner. Luke's features were engulfed in sadness as were mine. He went to move toward me but one of his brothers held him down by his shoulder. He shook the hand off and walked to me. As he got closer, I could feel the tears slipping further and further away from my eyes. When he was seated next to me, I let everything out and curled into his arms. His large arms wrapped around my body, and his hands rubbed my back to soothe me. I sniffled and let the warm tears fall on Luke's shoulder. He whispered sweet nothings in my ear to calm me down.

"I don't understand," i cried into him and he sighed. I was beyond confused and I needed Luke to explain. Luke's chin was pressed against my forehead and my face was molded into his muscular shoulder.

"Valentine, I promise everything will make since soon, okay?"

I shook my head and looked back at the entrance, that just minutes ago my father used to leave me, again. More tears were slipping out of my eyes as I started to recall the deja vu. I pushed Luke away and he looked surprised to say the least. I use my hand to touch my neck and i focused on Luke. Luke's anger flared up again. He was about to storm out of the entrance when his brothers came over and sat across from us. I put my hand in Luke's for comfort, more for me rather than him.

"Hello, Valentine," the taller of the two said. he was the more handsome of the pair and looked to be younger. "It's Jack, remember?"

I shook my head. I can't remember. The man sighed and nodded his head, completely understanding the situation that even I didn't quite get.

"And I'm Ben," the other blonde said. he looked to be the oldest out of Luke and Jack and was definitely the maturest. "I'm sorry about you losing your memory and all. That accident must have-"

Ben instantly shut up when Luke's foot collided with the man's kneecap. "Shut up, Ben," Luke gritted through his clenched teeth. His grip on my hand tightened slightly and he got up from the table, pulling me with him. "We must be going now. Breakfast here is amazing and I would die without it." Luke said with as much sarcasm as Twenty Four uses on a daily.

The men nodded and waved at us not saying goodbye, just to piss Luke off, knowing that he hates when people don't say anything before a departure. We leave and rush to the cafeteria for some much needed brain food before we have the biggest talk of my life, or so I can remember.

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