Chapter sixteen | incredibly dirty

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Chapter sixteen | incredibly dirty

it's shit... my bad

"Aren't you going to eat," Luke said shoveling mounds of food into his mouth. Luke's cheeks were puffed out as he stuffed more and more food into his mouth. He looked like a squirrel gathering nuts for the long winter by storing them in his cheeks. He ate so fast I was wondering if he remembered to swallow. When he started to cough I assumed he forgot to swallow the mystery meat.

I was seated next to him and started to beat his back to maybe help him not die. I couldn't have Luke dying on me before he told me everything I had forgotten.

"I'm just not hungry," I said once the blonde stopped his choking fit. He coughed one last time before looking up at me with red, teary eyes.

"Don't lie," Luke rasped out. He was beginning to see right through me, or maybe he has always been able to do that. With his tone he sounded like he really did care about me and wanted what was best for my wellbeing. "I know it's hard, Val."

"What is?" Confusion wasn't always something I liked. I hated being confused about things and I hated not knowing anything.

"Seeing your father again after everything."

I was speechless. I should probably tell Luke that I don't remember, but I can't bring myself to do so. I just need to suck it up and get it over with but not here.

Before Luke can go back to stuffing his big mouth with more food, I grab his arm and pull him up and out of the cafeteria. I slammed the double doors open and ran across the parlor with Luke in hand. Officer Hood and Styles gave us a look but didn't stop to question us as we ran past them. Luke was silent for a few seconds before he registered what was happening. "No, Valentine! My food! Let go! I need my nutrition!"

I giggled but held my grip on his long arm as we ran through the corridor. After awhile, he stopped struggling with a huff and followed me. I took him to the special room Twenty Four had just shown me a couple hours ago. It didn't take long to get there and when we did, I pushed the door open, it creaking in the process. The sound made me cringe as I pulled the blonde in with me.

"What are we doing here?" Luke asked as I let go of him and shut the door. Once the door clicked in place, I turned to the tall boy. He was still standing up so I pushed him back onto the old couch.

He took a sharp breath in, his eyes never leaving mine as he fell on the furniture. I gulped as my hand came in contact with his chest. To any person passing by, they would think something incredibly dirty would be going on. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts as I removed my hand from Luke. I plopped down next to him when I composed myself.

"Talk," I said to the boy, my voice coming out uneven. Luke nodded and straightened his posture. He turned toward my nervous frame with uneasiness.

"What exactly do you remember?" Luke asked me when he was situated and comfortable with his position.

"I don't so tell me everything."

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