Chapter ten | it's him

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Chapter ten | it's him

i'm really sorry if this sucks... i'm a suck-ish writer


I was shocked. Did he say-

"Who's coming to visit you today?"

My throat closed up and my mouth went dry. I couldn't speak. Who is coming today? I don't remember anything, and based on the dreams i've had, I don't think my father wants to see me anyway. But how would I know? My father and mother could be here today and I could hug them and finally figure out why i'm here.

"Val," Luke was concerned by my sudden silence. I wish I could explain but I couldn't. I could feel tears surface in my eyes, and I turned away and jogged to the parlor before Luke could say my name again.

The corridor to the room felt longer than just a day ago and also, unlike yesterday, i feel all the pain that has happened here.

"Valentine," a feminine voice spoke and an arm came out to steady me. "You shouldn't run in this place."

"O-Okay," i stuttered. "I won't run again."

My voice came out monotonous and i didn't care who was talking to me. I didn't even know what I was doing until i sat down on the familiar plush couch in the parlor. I was staring at nothing by now. My brain was a mess of stupid scenarios of what could've happened between my birth and now. What the hell happened in the last eighteen years? What could've possibly happened to me to make my brain forget my life? How am I going to get those memories back?

Just then, a tall giraffe stumbled into the parlor. He was out of breath and was a nasty glob of sweat. His hair was disheveled and frizzy from the sweat drying as he ran. His blonde stubble was more prominent in the light of the room. As always, he looked dashing.

"Valentine," Luke heaved. "How the hell can you jog that fast?"

I would have laughed if I wasn't so upset. Why was I upset in the first place? Maybe some place deep in my conscience I remember but now...

Now I can't remember anything before I got here.

Once the boy caught his breath, he sighed and sat down next to me. He swept his long hair back from his face and looked at me. What was he thinking? What was I thinking?

"You know you can tell me, right?"

I looked away from him. Did I? Can I?

"I won't judge you and...," he sighed. "I'm here to protect you. I'm not going anywhere."

I looked back at him. Something sparked in my mind, deja vu more like. In his blue eyes, I saw it. In his strong frame and his beautiful face. In his wonderful mind and his amazing personality. I saw that familiarity that I was craving so much. The recognition. I knew Luke. I mean I really knew him. He was apart of my life. He was apart of my old life.

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