Chapter 2: The First Casualties

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~April 6th, 8:00, 2090, Earth's sky~

-Four hours until The Architect attacks-

Ayami, Shinsuke, and Onna were flying towards The Architect. "We're so going to kick ass." Ayami said hyped for battle. Shinsuke was preparing her weaponry, a Class-AA plasma launcher. A plasma launcher is new weapon that looks like a rocket launcher, but fires a 1,000 degrees Celsius ball of plasma. Ayami grabs a Class-AA rifle and Onna finally broke atmosphere. The robot was in clear view. It looked like a giant mech. The Earth's moon was the size of one of its foots. The legs were the same size as the foot, and so were the arms. The blue accents made it glow. The head had the same design as The Architect's helmet, but with blue neon accents and only one eye in the center of its head. The Architect saw them on her helmet's radar. The ship was really small compared to the robot. She got off her throne and started floating in the zero gravity. She saw the ship by zooming in on her helmet. She activated thruster boots on her armor and flew at full speed at the ship. "Something's flying towards us on the radar." Ayami said. The Architect made impact with the ship and both reentered Earth's atmosphere. The ship crashed in the front of Earth's capital building. 

The impact was huge. A few hundred people were at the capital building's entrance trying to get answers from William. All of the lied dead. The Architect aimed that perfectly. She grabbed the body of Ayami in her left hand and Onna in her left. She waited for the dust to settle and the crash was broadcasted worldwide. "These are those you call heroes? Those who freed this planet from the clutches of Zawyer? Well, now they're dead. As you all will be soon. Run, hide, or escape this planet. It matters not. Earthlings, Restonians, Zalethians, Salemians, Dorianlings, and even Wulians. All of you will die. Burn. Midnight tonight will be the start of the fall of the Planetary Alliance and its allies." The Architect said as she threw Ayami and Onna's bodies to the floor. Planetary Alliance soldiers surrounded The Architect. They all opened fire. A red forcefield, much like Wul's blue forcefields, blocked the bullets and launched them back at the soldiers. Her throne came down to Earth and she went back on it and back up to her robot.  

William went outside. He was horrified of the destruction caused by just one person. He had a small group of five soldiers prepare burials for the fallen heroes, and the remaining few billion soldiers to prepare for her attack. The funeral went well. Caleb wasn't able to attend due to his earlier injuries. 


-Three and half hours until The Architect attacks~

Sheila landed where Jacob was located. "I wonder why The Architect told me about Jacob, and how she knew about him to begin with." Sheila thought as she landed in front of his shack. Sam noticed the grass being blown away as Sheila landed. She went outside and Sheila was carrying The Gauntlet in her left hand. Sheila was wearing her cloak over her missing arm so no one sees it. She takes off her hood to reveal herself. Sam thought Sheila was hostile. "Who are you?" Sam asked cautiously. "My name is Sheila. I am the former dictator of the Planetary Regime, and the Quell Empire." Sheila said introducing herself. "Why are you here?" Sam asked. "Jacob Melbourne. There's a new threat on Earth, and she beat me and said he was here." Sheila explained. "He's retired." Sam said. "No, I'm not." Jacob said walking outside. Sheila noticed Jacob's eyes. "He's blind, isn't he?" Sheila asked. Sam nodded. "Why are you here? Who even are you?" Jacob asked not recognizing Sheila's voice. "You don't recognize me? You met me during my reign over the Planetary Regime." Sheila answered. "I didn't think you'd survive. You still haven't said what you're doing here." Jacob said. "Looking for you." Sheila said. She explained the situation on Earth as best she could to Jacob. "What does she want with me?" Jacob asked. "I don't know." Sheila said. "Sam, get your necklace. We're going to the Reston system." Jacob said. "We don't have a ship." Sam said. "We do now." Jacob said pointing to Sheila. "What are you planning?" Sheila and Sam asked. "There's a ship that houses destroyed artifacts. An old ally is going to be assisting us. Well, ally to you, Sam and an enemy to me." Jacob said as he went into the shack to grab his staff. 

-Ten minutes till The Architect attacks-

"Oh, CLYDE, why do we have to kill all these people?" The Architect asked as she sat and waited. "I don't know. I'm not the one who agreed to do this." CLYDE answered. "The Deity really doesn't like these people. I can't believe they even think they can beat me. They're so pitiful. I thought the villain was supposed to be more powerful than the heroes." The Architect said rambling. "To them we're the villains. You just killed a few hundred of them." CLYDE said. "They defied The Deity about 20 years ago. They even killed a weaker version of him." The Architect argued. "Have you considered that maybe The Deity is the evil one? Also, why doesn't he just erase this universe?" CLYDE asked. "Don't ever say that again!" The Architect said angrily and smacking him. "Ouch! That hurt!" CLYDE yelled. "It's not my fault you insulted our lord." The Architect said crossing her arms and looking away. CLYDE rolled his eyes and went back behind the throne. The Architect looked at Earth's time. It was one minute until midnight. "I know The Deity likes perfection and all, but one minute off isn't that bad." The Architect said as she pressed a button on her throne's control panel on the right arm rest. The robot powered on. The lights on it became red. She smiled excitedly under her helmet as the robot flew down to Berlin.       

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