Chapter 17: RSU2

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~October 1st, 2096, New Berlin Ruins~

The Architect returned to New Berlin. It was mostly destroyed. Her robots were deactivated or destroyed. Signs of multiple battles were all over the city. She walked the streets and looked around. Destruction was everywhere. "Tanks, soldiers, robots. It looks like the Alliance destroyed my city while I was 'dead'." The Architect thought to herself as she walked to her white house. It was battle scarred. Dead robots were everywhere, and a T7 robot was lying on top of half of it. She went to her oval office, dusted off her control console, and looked at her back up plans. The files were corrupted, or destroyed. She did see one that caught her eye. She opened the file entitled 'RSU2'. "Robot Syndicate Universe two. I like it." The Architect said as she pressed a button on her wrist and a ship warped in. The ship landed next to The Architect's white house. She boarded it and started going to the Gilt system. 

Before The Architect could warp to the Gilt system, Sheila, Jacob, Sam, and Tristan saw The Architect's ship. "Where's she going?" Sam asked as she walked up to Sheila, who was flying the ship. "I don't know." Sheila answered. "Then let's follow her." Sam said as she ran to the roof of the ship. Sam put The Necklace on and flew straight for The Architect's ship. The Architect opened her warp portal. Sheila put the ship at full speed. Sam was still faster than Sheila. Sam made it through, but Sheila didn't make it. "Dammit!" Sheila yelled angrily as she hit her ship's dashboard.

~Gilt system, The Spire~

Sam and The Architect arrived at the same time, but The Architect wasn't aware of Sam. She landed at the top of the spire. Sam was in awe. The four planets that made the four pillars of the spire, and the star at the top which was powering The Forge, but Sam didn't know of The Forge. The entire Gilt system was changed since James, Tony, Elias, Jacob, Jtarcia, and Michelle made their trip here almost 20 years ago. Sam didn't know much of the Gilt system, but Jacob told her what happened on Gilt-1A and 1B. Sam followed The Architect. She hid behind one of the four pillars that held up the star at the top of the spire. The Architect was messing with The Forge, she was building something. 

Sam moved a little bit and set off The Architect's motion tracker. The Architect turned around and said, "Hello. I don't know who you are, but you can come out. I won't bite." The Architect had a cynical smile on her face. Sam stood up. "Did you come because you saw what happened on Quell?" The Architect asked as the two doppelgangers looked at each other. "I came to kill you." Sam said. "I like the green aura, it gives us a good look, but I think I'd red would be much nicer." The Architect said admiring The Necklace's aesthetic design. "What are you building?" Sam asked. "A device that will convert this entire universe into a second Robot Syndicate stronghold." The Architect said. "What's the Robot Syndicate?" Sam asked. "The faction I'm in charge of. Would you like to see?" The Architect asked holding her hand out. "No, I wouldn't." Sam answered disgusted. "What do you plan to do here?" The Architect asked. "To kill you." Sam said as she ran towards The Architect.

Sam threw a punch, but The Architect punched Sam's fist with her's. "How?!" Sam asked in shock. "These gauntlets give me more strength the longer I wear them. I've worn them for quite some time now, so I don't think you're going to win this fight." The Architect said as she roundhouse kicked Sam in the face. Sam spit out some blood. "Had enough?" The Architect asked as she walked towards Sam. "Never." Sam said as she threw another punch. The Architect blocked by kicking Sam's wrist. Sam fell to the ground and then jumped up. She threw another punch, but The Architect formed her scepter in her hand and stabbed Sam. Sam fell to the ground as The Architect's scepter dissipated. Sam coughed out blood as The Architect walked up to Sam with some kind of device. It had a white plus sign on it. The Architect took The Necklace off and put the device on Sam's chest. It was a Robot Syndicate med pack. It healed her instantly. "Why?" Sam asked as she got up. "You're me, after all. What would I gain from killing myself?" The Architect answered as she extender her hand. Sam accepted the help up. "I want my necklace back." Sam said. "Not now, we have to talk." The Architect said as she summoned an elevator from her helmet's interface. Both of them boarded the elevator and went to The Architect's interrogation room.

~Neutral space~

Jacob contacted some old acquaintances with high technology, the alpha squad of Wul. Martin, Ota, Gus, Gorf, and Eliza boarded Sheila's ship. "What do you need? Is this about what happened on Quell?" Martin asked. "It kind of is. Wait, how did you know about that?" Jacob asked confused. "Truth be told, Eliza has been spying on you guys for the past few months." Martin said. "Why would you tell them that?" Eliza asked disappointed. "I told them because it's not nice that you do it behind the government's back to begin with." Martin said scolding her. Eliza walked away. "We need you to help us beat her." Jacob said. "What can you offer Wul?" Martin asked. "A shit ton of Gorth." Jacob said. "How much we talking?" Martin asked. "I ran some tests on New Berlin, everything The Architect makes is out of Gorth. The metal on Gilt-1A is also Gorth. All of that will be yours, and none of it will go to the Alliance." Jacob said. "You're not in jurisdiction of giving that away." Martin said. "Let's call it a black market deal, shall we?" Jacob asked extending his hand. Martin shook Jacob's hand.

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