Chapter 8: New Berlin

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~March 2nd, 5:00 pm, New Berlin~

Tony and Jame's armies got to the center of town. The building there looked like the white house in Washington DC, but with Robot Syndicate coloring. "Welcome, Tony Kendrick." The Architect said as a few thousand robots surrounded both armies from all sides. The Architect's entire fleet clouded the skies. "I have more robots waiting. Come, Tony." The Architect said as a stairway formed in front of The Architect's white house. Tony walked up to it. The robots aimed their weapons at the armies, but didn't fire. The halls of the white house were the same. "Why did you recreate the white house, but with your disgusting color scheme?" Tony asked as he entered the oval office. "Take a seat, Tony. All your questions will be answered in due time." The Architect said as she sat in the president's chair and drinking a coffee. Her mouth, voice, and jawline looked very familiar to Tony. "Who are you?" Tony asked. "I'll ask the questions, Tony Kendrick." The Architect answered. "Alright then, shoot." Tony said as he took a seat in front of her. The Architect smiled. She put down her coffee and covered her mouth. Her voice modulator started working again.

~Outside the white house~

James looked around at the huge army of robots. "Michelle, how many soldiers do we have?" James asked quietly. "Almost 100 thousand, that's counting the Peace-Keepers that'll back us up." Michelle quietly answered back. James nodded and looked around. He squinted. "Only a few thousand robots at best." James thought to himself. "Open fire!" James shouted. Ben and Skyler looked at James in shock. They both stood up in their car and made a 'stop' motion to their soldiers. The soldiers didn't listen. A thousand died at first, but then they took out their weapons. James called in the Accelerators, another 12 have been made since the attack on Salem. The Architect's fleet was much bigger. They sent down the Peace-Keepers and then retreated. The Robot Syndicate fleet aimed all their cannons at James and his army. Skyler and Ben noticed this. "We didn't sign up for this shit." Ben said. Skyler nodded and both ran into under the nearest building. Skyler and Ben noticed a platform that was emanating a blue gravity well that was pushing the building up. "The building's leaning that way." Skyler said pointing to James and his army. Ben took out an explosive. The fleet fired on Jame's position. Ben quickly detonated the explosion. James heard the explosion. The gravity well was destroyed, the building protected James and his army from the fleet. Ben was fatally wounded. "All forces, get out of the city!" James shouted as he fired at a few more robots. Skyler picked Ben up and followed James using the alleyways.

~Inside the white house~

"Sit Tony!" The Architect yelled after Tony got up to look at the blast. Tony complied. "Now, for my first question. Why do you resist my rule?" The Architect asked. "I heard you're all about The Deity and his 'will', I can assure you, he's the biggest cunt of all time. That's why we're resisting you, we're not bowing down to his 'priestess'." Tony answered after taking a seat. "Honest. I like that. Second question; what will it take for you all to stop and just lie down and die?" The Architect asked. "Your head on a pike." Tony answered spitting on her helmet. She wiped it away and her strength accidentally cracked her visor. Tony got a great view of her eye. It was blue. "God dammit." The Architect said as she grabbed a spare from under the desk. She took her helmet off. Tony stared in complete fear and shock. She put her helmet back on. "Speak of this to anyone, and you'll be the next to die." The Architect said. 

~Outside New Berlin~

James and his army had dug trenches. The robots only marched. They didn't run and rush out of the city like James. All soldiers had Class-AA weaponry. There weren't many tanks left, but James thought it would be fine. "Here they come!" James shouted. The robots got into range of the trench soldiers. Both forces opened fire. The robots didn't take much damage. The trench soldiers took a lot more damage than the robots. The tanks were gone within a few moments. "Keep firing!" James shouted. Skyler dropped Ben right in front of James. Ben was dead. "Look what you've done!" Skyler shouted as he punched James. The sun was beginning to set, and rain was setting in. James got up and saw Skyler through another punch. James rolled out of the way. Michelle noticed what was happening and aimed a Class-AA Rifle at Skyler. "You're under arrest." Michelle said. Skyler and Michelle were face to face, the gun was to his chest. Skyler kicked Michelle in the leg, tripping her, and he grabbed the gun. He threw it away from the group and punched James again. James jumped up and grabbed Skyler. "This is her fault! Not mine!" James yelled pointing at Ben's body. Skyler didn't buy James' excuse and kicked him in the crotch. James fell to the ground and Skyler started repeatably punching James in the face. The rain washed away all the blood. Michelle got up and rushed to James' aid, but was shot by a robot. The trench soldiers were defeated. All of them lay dead. James, Skyler, and a bleeding out Michelle are what remained. However, only eighteen robots remained.

~Inside the white house~

"Where are you from? She wouldn't have done what you've done." Tony asked with a fearful look in his face. "Another universe, I'm not yours." The Architect said. "I'm going to kill you before she finds out." Tony said referring to this universe's Architect. "You can try, but that's reserved for her." The Architect said confident that she would win. "I'm leaving." Tony said getting up and walking away. "I'll know if you tell anyone. I'd suggest you don't." The Architect said. "I won't, for her sake." Tony said as he left the room and later the white house.

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