Chapter 10: James! Here we come!

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~January 5th, 7:00 am, 2093, New Berlin Expansion~ 

Tony and his group were preparing Sheila's ship to attack. "Cannons are armed!" Skyler shouted. "Shields are at maximum!" Tristan shouted. "Artifacts are at full power!" Sam shouted. Tony took all that information into account and ran to the pilots seat. Sheila walked up behind him and dragged him out with her new Robot Syndicate styled robot arm while wearing The Gauntlet. "My ship. I'm driving." Sheila said as she sat down and took off. She flew the ship straight up. To her surprise, The Architect was expanding New Berlin. The former plains that housed the bodies of their fallen comrades from the battle of New Berlin were gone and replaced with construction. She had already made New Berlin bigger, but never in the direction that Tony and his group were. There was a giant robot stationed there to assist with the building. It was carrying a building that was about to be placed on a gravity well. It took notice and threw the building at Sheila's ship. She flew downwards and to the side, dodging the building. "That was a close one. An army of new Robot Syndicate tanks came from the city itself. They had the normal treads that tanks have and what looked like a Robot Syndicate turret on top of it. Of course, it had the Robot Syndicate color scheme. All of them opened fire. Sheila armed the cannons, dodged a few tank shots, and then fired her cannons. The big robot blocked them with its hand, but it was damaged by the cannons. "Sam, get on the roof and blast those things away!" Sheila yelled. Sam ran up to the top of Sheila's ship and put on The Necklace. The green aura surrounded her. Due to the training on Monumentium, The Necklace was much more powerful and was more controllable. She fired it straight at the big robot. It had a gaping hole in its chest and it fell down on top of the tanks. The other robots that were constructing the New Berlin Expansion opened fire. Sheila's cannons made quick work of the robots. "Now to go to the center." Sheila said as she flew into New Berlin.

Unlike last year, their were multiple levels of buildings, but all were still floating and of all shapes and sizes. There weren't any clear streets anymore. The sky was almost metal from the bottom levels. There were about eight levels in the center of the city that branched out as you went to new expansions. Sheila was flying at the very top of the city. Robot factories were everywhere. A Robot Syndicate ship flew down from the fleet to find Sheila. It couldn't enter the city, but it dispatched its starfighters. "We have eighty bogies on our tail." Tony said looking at Sheila's radar. "Eighty?!" Sheila asked in shock as she sped up the ship to stay ahead. "Yeah." Tony said as the starfighters caught up to them and surrounded the ship. Monitors came from where their cockpits were, similar to how they came out of the smaller robots during the battle of New Berlin. "Hello. It's been awhile. You've killed quite a bit of my robots, so I think I'm just going to kill you instead of arresting you lot like I did with James and Michelle." The Architect said as soon as the monitors turned on. The monitors retracted and the starfighters began charging their weapons. Sam was still on top of the ship, only staying on with the mag boots she received from a destroyed robot. She unleashed a green shockwave. All the starfighters were destroyed, and the ship was disabled. The buildings around them started to fall. Everything around them was falling to the ground.  

"What have you done?!" Sheila yelled into a communicator. Everyone held their ears due to how loud Sheila was. "It's fine." Sam said calmly as she used The Necklace to catch the ship. A bunch of debris was still above them. "Help." Sam said quietly as the ship, and she, was hit by the building. Her mag boots disabled as she flew into the building. The ship was heavily damaged. Both lost some of its momentum, but not all of it. Sam looked down and noticed something. The prison was still in the same spot. She caught both the building and ship with The Necklace and aimed it towards the prison, which wasn't far away. Multiple other buildings were hit as both the ship and the building above it were crashing through the city. Sam used The Necklace to lift herself up and then she flew towards the prison. The prison was within view of everyone. The falling building was right above them. The turrets on the towers began firing at the ship and Sam. Everyone, but Sam, was screaming. The ship landed in the prison. The building hit the towers and turrets. The prison's gravity well was hit by debris and deactivated. Sam landed where the ship was. She helped everyone out of the broken ship. Sheila was furious. Sam took off The Necklace. Sheila took note of this and punched with The Gauntlet. Sam flew through the walls and right in front of James and Michelle's cells. The ground began to crack. "What's happening?" Tony asked. 

Robots were dispatched to prevent the prison from falling, but the robots couldn't save every piece of the prison. "James! Here we come!" Tony shouted as part of the prison began falling down. The group ran towards Sam and the cells of Michelle and James. The ceiling caved in and parts of the ground kept falling off. The group got to the cells. They waited a bit for the robots to stabilize the prison. Skyler and Jacob helped Sam up. She had a few broken bones. Tristan grabbed The Necklace and gave it to Sam. "Thanks." Sam said smiling. She put it on and healed her injuries with its power. Tony opened James cell first. He had a full grown beard and looked like he was starved. Cuts were found all along his body. His eyes were lifeless. Sam opened Michelle's and found the same thing on Michelle, except the beard. "I see you found my hostages." The Architect said as she turned a corner to face Tony and his group. Everyone turned around and looked at her.

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