Chapter 13: Universe 514! The Robot Syndicate Divorce!

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~Gilt-1A, 2094~

After Orrea's destruction, The Architect returned to The Forge. She used it to recreate CLYDE. This time, CLYDE wouldn't argue with The Architect. "This time you're perfect, CLYDE, and if you defy me again you won't be coming back." The Architect thought as The Forge recreated CLYDE. "Hey." CLYDE 2.0 said. "Welcome back, CLYDE. Ready to go home?" The Architect asked sadistically as she smiled. "As ready as I'll ever be." CLYDE 2.0 said as he rolled to The Architect's throne. 

~Unknown date and time, Unknown planet, Universe 514~

The Architect returned home. She took one robot and her throne with her. "It's been awhile, hasn't it." The Architect said as if she missed it. "860 years, but that's going by Robot Syndicate time. Which translate to 5 years back at Universe 504." CLYDE 2.0 said as he did calculations to figure the date and time changes. "You remember why we're here, correct?" The Architect asked as they landed and stepped off the throne. "I do." CLYDE 2.0 said as he followed The Architect. The planet they were on was given the designation RSP45620. It stood for: Robot Syndicate Planet 45620. She was greeted by her soon to be ex-husband. "Hello, wife." The Creator said as he and a few other of the strong generals walked up to her. "You're not fit to wear that armor!" Laura Triton, The Architect's sister, said. She is also known as 'The Scavenger'. "I agree." Justin Triton, The Scavenger's husband, said snobbishly. He was also known as 'The Deceiver'. The names all came from what they did during a war a few million years ago, by Universe 514 time laws, between the Robot Syndicate and their home world, Wul. The Deceiver attempted to punch The Architect, but she grabbed his fist and crushed it. He had a broken hand and the place crowded with Robot Syndicate robots. The robot model they used was the T6, which is the model The Architect used until its destruction on Salem. T6 stands for Tier-7. 

"Let's get this divorce over with. I want to return to my job." The Architect said. The T6 robots continued to watch her, closely. RSP45620 is an 'arena planet'. The Robot Syndicate made multiple solar systems into arenas for the generals to fight. Whether it be divorce, for fun, training, or because someone stolen their sweat roll. Everyone born into the Robot Syndicate became a general. Of course, they had to go through school and get training first. All their resources come from extractors, planet sized drills that drill into planets and use a pump to extract the resources. The resources are brought to RSP1. Once they arrive at RSP1, they're put into a large storage that floats over the planet. These resources create life sustaining pills and all the resources the Syndicate needs.

RSP45620 has the same architecture as New Berlin, but around the whole planet and with 25 levels instead of eight. The arena was on level 25. Its location made the sky barely visible, but it was still there. The two generals entered the arena. CLYDE 2.0 was sent to the audience stands with The Scavenger and The Deceiver, but The Architect gave him an order before sending him away. It was half of the entire planet, the other half being a city. "Are you sure you want to do this?" The Creator asked confident he'll crush her. "Yes." The Architect said. The Creator's throne came down. It was the same model as The Architect's, but it was gold instead of silver and had two seats. "You may have been weaker than I, but we still ruled this empire. Now, I must find someone else to keep my second seat company." The Creator said as he sat on the throne and it flew him to the other side of the arena. The Deceiver and The Scavenger were in the crowd, along with all the generals on the planet. "Our esteemed leader is going against my sister. I should be rooting for my sister, but she's too weak to win." The Scavenger said. "Says you! My knuckles were crushed by her!" The Deceiver said holding his broken fist in his other hand. "You want to get that checked out?" The Scavenger asked. "After my brother kills your sister." The Deceiver said. The Scavenger nodded.

Two horns went off on either side of the arena. It was time to start. Both generals started by calling all their T6 robots. The Architect was saving her tanks, T7, and human sized robots, T8, for later. The Architect had her robots from Universe 504 come back with her as well, but she had The Forge make more in her absence. Both generals had their armies charge at the other army. The robots fought with punches and cannons. The fight was surprisingly in The Architect's favor. She was smiling. She called in her command ship with her helmet. It warped in and started charging its cannon. "What's that?" The Creator asked over Robot Syndicate comms. "A goodbye gift." The Architect said as the cannon fired. The Creator didn't see it coming, but reacted quickly. He ejected from his throne, but all his robots were destroyed. The Architect lost all her T6 robots as well, but still had her T8 and T7 robots.

The two former lovers came face to face. "You can still call this off, you're making a mockery of my name." The Creator said. "Exactly. It's all about you, not us. Not me." The Architect said as she punched him and broke right through his armor. He had the same armor she had, but with a skeletal helmet which is the helmet that normally comes with that armor. He staggered. "How did.. you.. do that?" The Creator asked shocked. "These gauntlets that I added on to this suit give me a permanent boost in strength. I could beat you without this suit." The Architect said. "Then prove it." The Creator said coughing up blood. She pressed on the chest and the suit dissipated quickly. She had a gray jumpsuit on. Her hair and eyes were red, unlike Universe 504 Sam. The Creator could see the insanity in her eyes. He was terrified. Her eyes had went bloodshot, a byproduct of her suit's gauntlets, but The Creator didn't know that. He got up and threw a punch. She pivoted and grabbed his wrist. The Architect smiled as she put her hand on his band and smashed him into the ground. His back armor almost shattered. He was paralyzed from that blow, but the Syndicate has an implant that will fix his paralysis. Cameras started filing her. The Scavenger and The Deceiver were shocked at what she did. "I just beat the strongest this empire has to offer, well, the second strongest. I want him kept alive, so he could know that I am stronger than he will ever be! I am your leader now! Anyone who objects will be killed, slowly." The Architect said maniacally as she snapped and her suit reformed around her. She turned around and walked towards her throne. The cameras left and broadcasted her message throughout the empire. 

A group of generals stopped her at the arena gates. They were led by The Scavenger and The Deceiver. "You're not our leader." The Scavenger said. The Architect yawned to mock them. All of them charged. She held up her hand and a forcefield stopped them from getting to her. "You might be wondering where CLYDE has been. He took a warp gate to RSP1 and hacked into the Robot Syndicate program. Of course, he gave me control. I now control every piece of technology in this empire from my helmet. She started laughing maniacally. She created three more forcefields which blocked every way they could go. "Goodbye, big sis." The Architect said smiling as she crushed and killed all the generals. She had more cameras fly in and broadcast the scene. "Anyone else?" The Architect asked as she put her hand up and forcefields appeared around every general. She laughed like an insane person and then ended her broadcast and put down the forcefields. 

~New Berlin, 2095~

The Architect returned the next day, but one Universe 514 day is almost one Universe 504 year. "So good to be back." The Architect said as she entered her fake white house.

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