Chapter 28: Two Choices

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~March 1st, 2098, Trite~

Stu walked into the living area of the Stream-Head. Caitlin was there. "Is he... you know?" Caitlin asked saddened. Stu nodded. His hair was a mess. The two walk into the bridge where the Stream-Head crew is getting ready to get McClain help. "He's dead." Stu said quietly, but loud enough to be heard. The crew stopped in silence. "What now?" Pamela asked saddened. "As the former first mate, that makes me the captain, and Caitlin here is the new first mate. We still have a revolution to fight, we don't have time to grieve." Stu explained reluctantly. "No time to grieve?" Gabe asked angrily. "We can't stop the mission, it's what he would've wanted." Stu said. "How do you know what he wanted?! I'm his brother!" Gabe yelled getting up in Stu's face. "Gabe, calm the fuck down!" Tristan said pulling Gabe back. "Everyone, calm down. Whether our new captain wants to or not, we're burying McClain." Abigail said. The crew, except Stu and Caitlin, went to the medical bay and picked McClain's body up and walk towards the entrance of the ship.

Sam used The Necklace to rip the door of the Stream-Head off. She was face to face with the Stream-Head crew. "How in the fuck are you alive?!" Wade asked annoyed and shocked. Sam coughed up blood and fainted. The Stream-Head crew left to bury McClain. Stu and Caitlin followed a few minutes later and found an unconscious Sam. Caitlin aimed a gun at her head. "Give me the order, captain, I'll shoot." Caitlin said angry at Sam. Stu picked Sam up and brought her to the medical bay. "No more bloodshed." Stu said as Caitlin entered the room. "Subject has many broken bones throughout the body, she also has tissue damage in both her legs." The medical unit said. "What can you do?" Stu asked. "I can heal everything except the tissue damage, but there's an anomaly." The medical unit answered. "What anomaly?" Stu asked. "Subject seems to be ignoring the tissue damage somehow." The medical unit said. Stu took off The Necklace and gave it to Caitlin. "Bring it to the armor and put it next to The Bracelet." Stu said. Caitlin nodded and ran too the armory.

"Subject no longer has any anomalies, shall I continue with the operation?" The medical unit asked. "Yes. Authorization code gamma." Stu said. The medical unit healed what it could. 

~March 3rd, 2098~

"You're under arrest." Robert said as Sam woke up in a damaged general hospital on Trite. Sam didn't say anything. She was put onto a prisoner transport and brought to a prison a few miles outside Trite's capital. 

Later that day, Markov, Samantha, and Robert were discussing the future course of the Revolution Syndicate. "She didn't resist." Markov said to Robert. "I know. We're going to stand down, take a break from this Revolution. We need to gather resources and ships before we can continue." Robert said. "We have full control over the planet, I'll go around and attempt to gather resources from citizens." Samantha suggested. "Good idea. We'll do what we can to recover lost resources and we'll make due with what we have. We'll reconvene in one year. Good luck." Robert said.

~March 3rd, 2099, Trite, outside Robert's office~

"We're running out of resources." Markov said talking to Robert. "I know." Robert said hopelessly. "We still have enough fuel and ships for one thing though." Markov said as Samantha entered the room. "What's that?" Samantha asked. "We can still attack the spire." Robert said. "That can't be our only option!" Samantha said shocked. "We have two choices. Continue to die here, or attack the spire and claim The Forge for ourselves. If we're successful, we can use The Forge to make a bomb large enough to destroy part of RSU1 and an EMP device to destroy any robots in this universe." Markov explained. "Destroy half a universe? Are you crazy?" Samantha asked. "We don't have the resources to fight any longer. The Robot Syndicate knows it can't attack us while Sam is with us, but she's dying. We won't be able to hide out for any longer." Robert said. "How is she dying?" Samantha asked. "The radiation from the nova bomb is finally catching up with her. We have a few days to attain The Forge." Robert said. "There really is only two choices, isn't there?" Samantha asked disappointed. "Yeah." Markov said reluctantly. "Then we prepare the troops. Our last chance at survival relies on this plan." Robert said walking to his office to make a speech.

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