Chapter 26: This Is Trite! Part 1

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~February 29th, 2098, RSU2 RSP5~

The Stream-Head crew are outside the ship hanger. "They're here!" McClain shouted to his crew as the sky above Trite. The Robot Syndicate ships bombarded the planet. "We're going to the ship!" McClain shouts as he starts running into the hanger and towards the ship. The hanger roof had a hole shot through it. Rubble fell in front of the Stream-Head crew. "How are we going to get to our ship now?" Wade asked. Abigail threw a grenade that blew the rubble up. "That's how." Abigail said as the crew began running towards the ship once again. They quickly boarded the ship and set it up for flight. McClain and the crew flew up and turned the ship towards the exit, but some rubble fell on top of it. "Shit!" McClain yelled as the ship's shields got disabled and damaged. "What's the status of our shields?" Pamela asked. "They're damaged. They won't be recharging until they're fixed." Stu said reading off a diagnostic of the ship. "It'll be fine. Contact Wulford, we're going straight to Sam's ship." McClain ordered pointing at a Robot Syndicate command ship. "Will do, captain." Stu said as he and Wade called Wulford. A holographic projection of Wulford appeared above the crew, and in front of McClain. "What is it, captain McClain?" Wulford asked as he and his crew dealt with incoming Robot Syndicate drop pods. "We're going to need some help." McClain said as the ship got shot and he jerked a bit. "With what?" Wulford asked as he jerked as well. "My crew and I are going straight for Sam, we'd appreciate the help if you could." McClain requested as he jerked again. "A chance to fight alongside each other again? Count us in!" Wulford said excited. The two ships flew up too Sam's bridge. 

McClain projected a giant hologram of himself in front of Sam. She aggravatingly stared down McClain. "By order of the time police, you're under arrest." McClain said as the hologram disappeared and two missiles hit the bridge. "Fire." Sam said annoyed. The ship's cannons ejected and began charging their most powerful shot, a rail gun. "What's that?" McClain asked. "According to Caitlin's analysis, those are rail guns. Guns capable of shooting through almost everything." Stu said worried. "Pamela, move." McClain said as he took her place as the ship's pilot. He flew the ship right in front of the bridge. He activated a warp and set the coordinates to be 70 feet away; right next to the Fast-Forward. McClain warps the Stream-Head as soon as the rail guns fire. The rail guns rip right through the bridge and deactivate the shields. Sam creates a force field to prevent herself from flying into space. Most of her robot crew are destroyed, the rest are badly damaged. "Kurt, Gilbert, run a diagnostic on our ship's odds of survival if we ram that force field." Wulford ordered. Kurt and Gilbert followed their orders. "Odds of survival are 98 percent." Kurt said. Even though we will most likely survive, the ship's survival is only 28 percent." Gilbert said. "Why would we ram that thing?" Megan asked with angst. "It's not a bad idea, I vote we do it." Caitlin said. Kurt, Gilbert, Sarah, and Don agreed. "I guess I'm outnumbered." Sarah said annoyed as she crossed her arms. Wulford set the ship to full speed and they rammed the force field. It broke and caused significant damage to Sam's personal shielding and the bridge. As predicted by Kurt, the crew survived, but, as predicted by Gilbert, the ship was badly damaged. McClain and his crew followed as well. Sam remade the force field to make sure they didn't fly out.

"Another rematch, captain?" Sam asked as she put on The Necklace. "Yeah, except I'm not bringing those artifacts near you." McClain said as he opened an interface on his wrist and activated ship's auto pilot to help those on RSU2 RSP5. McClain and Wulford activated their swords. Their crews took out miniguns, assault rifles, and rifles. Wulford and McClain charged as the crew members fired. Sam's shields were disabled when the two captains reached her. McClain stabbed her as Wulford swung and was flung back. She coughed up blood. "Had enough?" McClain asked rhetorically. Stu and Caitlin aimed miniguns at her head and fired. She blocked the bullets with a force field and then turned that into a laser blast that pierced McClain's spinal implant. He fell to the ground. The implant fragmented in his body. He fell to the ground. She took out his sword and stabbed him in the leg with it. McClain used his last bits of strength to turn off his sword. His crew quickly rushed to his aid. She fired a laser at Stu. Caitlin noticed this and pushed him out of the way. As Stu fell, he grabbed her and the laser hit the force field. "You didn't have to save me." Stu said as both crews fired upon Sam. She blocked every bullet. Stu opened an interface and called the Stream-Head back. "I know, but I wanted to make sure you survived this." Caitlin said. "Thanks." Stu said as he got up. "Anytime." Caitlin said as she got up as well. The Stream-Head blasted the force field and landed, Sam recreated the force field once again. Pamela and Wade used the commotion to retrieve McClain and bring him back to the Stream-Head. They laid him on the medical bed once again. "He's not going to make it." The ship's medical unit said.

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