Chapter 31: End Game Part 2

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~March 5th, 2099, the spire~

"Look around you, Jacob. You think it's funny to thwart me?!" The Architect said breaking Jacob's rib cage and spine. Jacob grabbed The Staff and fired it at The Architect's back, disabling her shields, and then stabbing her in the back. She fell to the ground and took The Staff out of her back. Jacob barely missed her spinal cord. Her shields recharged everywhere except the hole in her back. The Architect grabbed The Staff and looked down at the Revolution army and robot army. "This is all on you." The Architect said as she aimed The Staff at the Revolution. "Don't you dare!" Jacob shouted. The Architect shrugged and threw The Staff like a spear at full force. The Staff landed in the center of the battlefield. The ground started to crack below the robots and the Revolution, cracks that got bigger as more Robot Syndicate ships crashed into the spire's support beams. The Architect walked over to Jacob and picked him up. "This is for killing Sam." The Architect said as she slammed Jacob into the ground with minimal force. His face was bruised and had many broken bones. She dropped him and continued to watch the battle.

The spire below them was falling apart. Revolution forces were scurrying to their ships. The Robot Syndicate fleet was running out of ships and the Revolution appeared to be winning the battle. She stood there and thought about the past decade of her life. "All this time, I thought I had my mission complete. I thought I served the Deity, but I hadn't. I failed my mission by recruiting Sam." The Architect said in realization. Jacob didn't respond. The Architect walked over to Jacob. "You all got my CLYDE to kill himself. My sweet little child. Why did he have to be a casualty of my achievement?" The Architect asked solemnly. The Stream-Head and Markov landed their ships at The Architect's location. Oliver, Shyla, and Ava followed shortly after. They all got out of their ships. None of them had leaders, orders, or a goal. The Architect saw this. "Why do you all continue to fight? It's worthless!" The Architect asked desperately. "You've killed so many people. You turned our own against us! What did you do with those you didn't kill?" Stu asked. John and Jasmine landed nearby. They walked out with two familiar faces, Roderick was also in the ship. Lucine and Ben. "Found these two on Quell." Jasmine said as she and John aimed guns at The Architect.

"We sent out a distress call when we heard about your little Revolution. We went into hiding just like Samantha, Ava, and Roderick." Ben explained as Roderick walked out after them. "It's over, Architect." Lucine said. "I think I get it." The Architect said as the spire continued to fall apart. Oliver and the science crew, except Shyla, used this opportunity to study the properties of The Forge. "Get what?" Lucine asked. "Why you're still fighting. You're not the villains of this story." The Architect said. "What does that even mean?" Roderick asked. "I came here believing you were the villains, and I was the hero. The hero doesn't lose. The hero wins, but I'm losing. I'm the villain, I intruded on your lives. Killed those you love. I even took over." The Architect said turning around to watch as her spire fell. The Gilt-1A support snapped and everyone jerked towards it as the spire began to topple. Mr. George noticed the wound in The Architect's back. "I'm truly sorry." The Architect said as she formed her scepter and walked over to Jacob. John noticed the wound as well. "Don't." John shouted aiming a gun at the wound. "I'm sorry, after everything I did, I need to put him out of his misery." The Architect said as she stabbed him in the head. Mr. George and John shot at The Architect's wound. She fell to the ground, still with her scepter in her hands.

"What was that you said CLYDE? About traitors to the Deity? Wasn't it 'the Deity wants all traitors to his called killed'? That's right." The Architect said as she grabbed her scepter and stabbed herself in the heart. The heroes stood over The Architect and heard a yell of happiness. It came from Oliver who found out how The Forge worked. Only a few heroes went to Oliver. Those being: Lucine, Mr. George, Ben, Ava, Markov, Elizabeth, Delta, and Elizabeth. "What now, Oliver?" Markov asked. "I figured out how this thing works! We can now make two things!" Oliver yelled with joy. "Why two?" Elizabeth asked. "This star is almost out of energy. It has enough for two things. I already have started construction on said things." Oliver said pointing to a huge nova bomb and an EMP. "What will these do?" Lucine asked. "Well, the EMP will disable all robots and turn every planet back to its original state. No more metal planets. However, that large nova bomb, I stole this design from those time travelers, will blow up half of the Robot Syndicate universe." Oliver said as he and the group walked to and around the objects. "Who's plan was it to blow up half a fucking universe?!" Mr. George asked in shock. "Robert and I's plan." Markov answered. "Where is Robert?" Lucine asked looking for her former colleague. "That bitch killed him and Samantha." Ava explained angrily. Lucine looked down in sadness. "That's sad. Alright, Markov, care to do the honors?" Oliver asked interrupting the grieving. Markov angrily armed the bomb. The bomb warped to RSU1 RSP1 and exploded instantly.

~The Deity's fortress, seconds before the bomb exploded~

"So, they plan on blowing up Universe 514. They're a waste, so I'll allow it." The Deity said mercilessly. 

~Universe 504, the spire~

Markov walked over to the EMP and set it off. The spire continued to break apart and got worse from the pulse. All the robots in the universe shut off, but a glitch in the system didn't turn every planet back to its original state. Most planets were returned to their original state.

The heroes quickly evacuated the spire. The Stream-Head crew recovered The Forge and The Staff and put them in their collection of artifacts. Everyone returned back to Trite, except for the Stream-Head crew. They went on to find their next adventure, one that wouldn't involve the Fast-Forward crew.

Mourning lasted for months. The planets were left without leadership for months. However, things didn't get out of hand. Things stayed the same for the most part.

~December 13th, 2099, Quell~

Lucine reformed the Planetary Alliance, now called the Galactic Alliance. This time it had better technology, and more members. Wul and Morganite joined as well.

John and Jasmine returned to Morganite and Marsune to help with the Nagamorph problem. There was a significant less number of Nagamorphs and Hive biomass left on Morganite thanks to the Robot Syndicate, but there was a ton of left over Gorth. The Galactic Alliance funded the expedition on Morganite. 

Caitlin and Stu ended up getting married. Gabe and Tristan retired due to the loss of their brother. Pamela, Abigail, Wade, Stu, and Caitlin are the last remaining members of the crew.

Ben went out to search for Sheila who is rumored to be a vigilante on Wul.

Roderick and Ava restarted the Peacekeeper program. It was made in honor of Samantha. 

Jerald and Dakota helped Mr. George find Kyler. He was given to Jill, the mercenary, who helped find CLYDE 2.0 and CLYDE. She willingly returned Kyler to his rightful parent. Mr. George and Kyler saw each other for the first time since Kyler was almost two years old. Peter also met his nephew for the first time. 

Grave Industries was kicked out of Universe 514. Jerald and Dakota would assume leadership of it until a Grave wanted to take over.

Universe 514 spent millennia repairing the damage caused by the nova bomb. The Deity abandoned the universe all together and went on to plan B.


A destroyed T10 floated into Galactic Alliance space. It was picked up the New Celestial's scanners. When inspected further it was filled with Nagamorphs. When the crew that inspected the T10 attempted to leave, they were confronted by a Starmind. "Peace only lasts for a short while." The Starmind said as three more came into view. Nagamorphs came in and flanked the crew. "Welcome, to a universe of parasites!" The Starminds and Nagamorphs shouted as the crew was killed and turned into Nagamorphs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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