Chapter 24: 2098

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~June 14th, 2098, RSU2 RSP5~

The rumors spread quickly. Recruits were coming in from the entire planet. The numbers of the Revolution Syndicate went from a little under 40 too almost 40 million. "Robert, we have enough soldiers and weapons we need to attack the ship yard outside the capital." McClain said as he and Robert were in the command tent. McClain was in his wheelchair as he recovered from his injuries. "How many 'work' at the shipyard?" Robert asked. "About 500." McClain answered. "Tomorrow, when they go to work have them disable the robots." Robert said. "We haven't gotten in contact with Peter, Jerald, and Dakota. We don't have a way to do that." McClain said. "We can be of assistance." Samantha said as she, Ava, and Roderick walked in with a Dorian EMP device. "I think this is going to work." McClain said excited.

~June 15th~

The EMP worked. Only a few robots were left, but the Revolution quickly disposed of them. The ships were hijacked and robot weaponry was recovered. No one in power took notice of this. Sam was asked to comment by one reporter. "Say that again." Sam said confused. "There was an attack at the ship yard on Trite, what is your comment." The reporter repeated. "Doesn't matter. We're superior either way." Sam said moving on.

~July 23rd~

The Morganite fleet was outfitted with Robot Syndicate technology from reverse engineering and stolen resources. No one in power has taken any real notice of the Revolution.

~July 24th~

"We have two fleets. I think it's time that we attack Trite." Markov suggested with Robert. "I agree. If we can win a battle this huge, then we know we have a chance at beating the Robot Syndicate." Robert said as the two walked into the bridge of Robert's command ship. He made a holocall to the entire fleet. "We're going to send both fleets to Trite. We're attacking the capital city. This will attract a general. A general that will be superior to us, but we won't back down. It's time that we show the Robot Syndicate that no matter what happens, we will win!" Robert said inspiring the Resistance Syndicate. 

The two fleets warped to the capital. The capital was a city similar to those in RSU1 Soldiers rushed into drop pods and dropped down into the streets of the city. Robots swarmed the rebels instantly. Since the Revolution had Robot Syndicate weaponry, the fight was in the favor of the Revolution. A T10 robot warped into the city streets to defeat the Revolution. It towered over the skyscrapers. "That's a T10! The new robots!" A rebel shouted in fear as he shot at it. "What weaponry does it have?" Stu asked Caitlin as he and her were on the battle field. "It's obviously as big as a T6, but it also has the weaponry and strength of a T9. It's only a prototype now though, it will definantly be stronger." Caitlin answered. "Do we have any mechs?" Stu asked. "We do actually, two Mark VI Royal Mechs." Caitlin answered taking a tablet out of her helmet's earpiece. "Nice helmet." Stu said. Caitlin nodded in appreciation. She called in the two mechs. The dropped from a Morganite ship. Both of them entered it and charged at the T10 robot. 

"Get its legs, I'll take the arms!" Stu said. "Good analysis, first mate, but we're not as strong as that." Caitlin said. "Alright, other first mate, good nickname. What do you suggest we do?" Stu asked. "How about we just fire everything!" Caitlin said as she fired every missile, machine gun, bomb, and laser in the mech. The T10 shield's were damaged, but still active. "I like your style, other first mate." Stu flirted as he did the same. The T10's shields were disabled. The rebels noticed this and fired at the T10. The T10 fell down and crushed most of the robot army. However, it was still active. It fired at Stu, he fell into Caitlin and the robot fired again. Both mechs were damaged beyond repair, but Caitlin fired before both mechs fell onto the T10. The T10 was destroyed, and the Revolution moved into the center of town. The remaining robot armies were then destroyed. Stu and Caitlin had minor injuries there were fixed by their respective ships. 

~July 25th~

"Ma'am, what is your comment on the attack on the RSP5 capital?" A reporter asked. "A general has been dispatched to deal with their insolence." Sam answered. 

~July 27th~

The general that arrived is the currently the weakest Robot Syndicate general. He is called The Welder. The Welder had his robot soldiers disguise themselves as humans and infiltrate and spy Revolution forces.

~August 29th~

The Welder finished gathering information. He had his infiltrators turn on the Resistance. 

"How do we know who's on our side?" Markov asked Elizabeth. "Whoever isn't shooting at us is on our side." Elizabeth answered as she shot at an injured robot that was dripping liquid Gorth. Delta burst through the wall behind Markov and Elizabeth and ripped a human in half. The holographic disguise turned off and a robot was its replacement. Multiple buildings were taken over. Robert led the charges to take them back, they were successful. "How many ships do we have?" Robert asked Markov. "About eight fleets of 50." Markov said. "How did we get so many?" Robert asked shocked. "The ship yard." Markov answered giggling. "Oh, well have one ram the general into the nearby star. I plugged a robot into the interface in the command office, and we're dealing with The Welder. His weakness is ships that're too close." Robert explained. "On it." Markov said running towards the command office.

The Welder was plunged into the nearby star and the capital was successfully defended.

~August 30th~

"Ma'am, what's your comment on the failed attack on RSP5?" A reporter asked Sam in the events following the 'Battle Of RSP5'. "Due to The Welder's failure, I will be dealing with this matter personally on my next available opportunity." Sam said lying on a couch and throwing a tennis ball at the roof repeatably. The reporter looked through Sam's schedule. "Ma'am, with all due respect, that's next year." The reporter said. Sam put The Necklace on and looked at the reporter. "Then I'll deal with it next year." Sam said angrily. "Of course." The reporter said terrified as she fast walked away.

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