Chapter 6: Salem Besieged

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~January 1st, 2091, Gilt system~

The Architect was observing the meeting between the Alliance's leaders. "Look at that CLYDE, they think they can beat me with that broken laser of theirs." The Architect said laughing. "Well, what're going to do with that information?" CLYDE asked annoyed. "I'll give them one whole month to prepare. I know I said I wouldn't toy with them, but I can't help it. They aren't going to defeat me, even with that laser of theirs. Sure, they might destroy this robot, but that won't matter." The Architect answered. "Can you leave me alone for that month?" CLYDE asked. "I could never leave you alone." The Architect answered. CLYDE was annoyed and rolled away. "Don't be like that!" The Architect yelled. He was already gone.

~February 1st, 2091, Salem~

Everything was ready. The Alliance had created a new ship line; Accelerators. They're the fastest ship in the entire Alliance, still being much slower than Wulian ships. Only eight were able to be made in the span of a month. They were made for this task. The Alliance didn't know where The Architect would attack next, so they made as many Accelerators as possible and put all the Peace-Keepers on them and let all of them float in space until the next attack. 

The Architect attacked Salem next. She did the same strategy she used on Earth. When the capital city was attacked, the Alliance was called in instantly. The Accelerators didn't have the best firepower, but got there fast. The Peace-Keepers manned the cannons of the Accelerators. About half of them went into jump pods. Jump pods are a technology that is similar to an escape pod, but allows for troops to be deployed from space. The Accelerators have two right triangle platforms and a rectangle in the middle to make up the top. The bottom, where the 20 cannons on each side are, is a rectangular prism that is smaller than the top part. The front end of the bottom has the bridge. The bottom also has two Planetary Bombardment Cannons (PBC). A PBC is able to damage The Architect's shields, but the Alliance isn't aware of that yet. 

The Accelerators are about 5 kilometers long and they fill the sky above Salem's besieged capital and have the Alliance's main color scheme of black and neon orange accents. The Architect looked up and watched drop pods raining down. "Those metal orbs look funny. What's with that red window?" The Architect asked looking up. "That's a drop pod." CLYDE answered. The pods landed around the robot. The Architect got up from her throne and jumped down. She made a crater and was surrounded by five Peace-Keepers. They were fighting in the middle of the street. The robot loomed over head and they were surrounded by buildings. Each building varied in height, but they had the Planetary Alliance color scheme, and a half sphere as a roof.

~Peace-Keeper command ship~

"Joseph, we have eyes on The Architect." Ava, one of the three generals of the Peace-Keepers, said. "I think we should engage then." Joseph, another Peace-Keeper general, said. "Our elite soldiers aren't as strong as the Helios soldiers. We need to tread with caution." Roderick, the last general and boyfriend of Samantha, said. "It'll be fine." Joseph said to Roderick and then going to give orders to the five Peace-Keepers. "All forces, engage." Joseph ordered. 


All five Peace-Keepers charged. The Architect was surrounded and didn't anticipate such a fast and reckless attack. She stopped two of them by tripping them. The landed. Their armor had the standard Planetary Alliance look, but had the standard Dorian color pallet of metallic green and purple strips around the torso piece and helmet. One of them managed to tackle The Architect after the other two kicked her in her sides. The one that tackled her grabbed her and pinned her arms down. "I got her!" He shouted. "Take that, Helios!" One of the other Peace-Keepers shouted. Another group of Peace-Keepers ran up to The Architect. Each group has five soldiers and 30 groups landed on Salem. The Architect noticed her legs weren't pinned.  She kicked the soldier who pinned her down in the crotch and he flew into a building. He flew through that building and into the one next to that. Each block was built to have four buildings arranged into a two by two square. The soldier flew through eight blocks worth of buildings before his armor broke and he died. She got up and wiped street dust off her outfit. The two soldiers that tripped got up and the nine Peace-Keepers present were face to helmet with The Architect.

They attempted to flank her, but she formed her cannon and blasted it. Only two survived, but were gravely injured. The Architect walked up to each. She picked them both up and slammed them together. They both died on impact.


Lexan and Samantha went to Celestial, the gas giant sized space station. "Begin evacuating that city. The robot is going to make a very huge boom." Samantha ordered through a holocall. Joseph nodded and initiated the retreat. Drop pods were able to be used twice, without being shot down, before they broke. All Peace-Keepers ran back to their drop pods. Samantha and Lexan noticed how the Planetmind and Hive fleets that were killed at Celestial one year ago are still dissipating. They flew through the Hive mass, hoping none of it got caught on their ship and restart the Hive outbreak. Luckily, they maneuvered through the field of Hive mass correctly. The Planetmind was in front of the laser, but most of it was gone. Lexan and Samantha put on their radiation suit as they landed at landing bay closest to the control console of the laser. They walked through the Hive infected halls of Celestial. The Hive mass was dissipating, luckily. Sparks were flying everywhere and the remaining lights were flickering. When they got inside the laser room, they noticed how the laser was barely attached to the room. Last year, the Starmind nearly ripped Celestial in half, and the laser was almost gone and unusable. Lexan and Samantha had to hurry, the amount of radiation present at Celestial will destroy their suits if they don't leave soon. They quickly activated the laser. "Care to do the honors?" Lexan asked. Samantha nodded. The laser shot straight through the Planetmind remains. The Accelerators quickly flew out of the way and barely dodged the laser. The laser's power wasn't at full power, so it wouldn't destroy Salem on impact. The robot was the only thing that was hit. A giant gaping hole was shot into the robot. The hole started at the right shoulder and made an arc down to its waist. The robot's arm fell down. The robot fell next. The Architect ran and jumped up and grabbed CLYDE as he fell along with the robot. 

A ship, of the same color scheme as The Architect and her robot when its powered on, warped in.  It flew down to Salem and picked up The Architect. "It's time to use The Forge." The Architect said to CLYDE as they flew back to the Gilt system.  

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