Chapter 3: The Deity's Will

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~April 6th, 11:59 pm, 2090, Berlin~

The robot landed right outside Berlin. William was in his office and saw the robot land. The Earth shook. You could feel the impact as far as Hong Kong, Tokyo, Manila, and Rio. William pressed a button on his command console. A giant wall surrounded Berlin. The Architect laughed. Her robot's height was the same as the wall's. Mechs were deployed to stop the robot. All firepower was useless. The forcefield around the robot looked similar to Wulian technology. Everything exploded on the shield, or bounced back and hit the wall. Both The Architect and the robot stood there. It was as if The Architect knew the outcome of this battle. "William. Your tactics are very easy to understand. Send all your forces out on the front lines. That way they beat the enemy right off the bat and you don't worry. It won't work this time." The Architect said exposing William's strategy. Her robot raised an arm. It opened up and a giant blaster was exposed. It was in the wrist. She fired at the wall. The wall came tumbling down and took out many of the mechs. The drivers couldn't see through the wreckage and dust of the wall, but The Architect could. It fired another shot at the ground. William had only a few infantry forces remaining, the entirety of Earth's fleet, and the Helios soldiers. The remaining parts of the wall revealed defense turrets. They fired upon the robot. The robot fired back. The robot now had a sizable hole to walk through. All infantry units, except the Helios soldiers, were as close as they could get to the robot. They all had Class-AA weaponry, the best they could use, and opened fire. "I see, you guys can do .001% damage to my robot's shields." The Architect said as the robot was about to fire. She held her hand up and the robot lowered its arm. She jumped down in front of the soldiers. "What a show off." CLYDE said as he did the equivalent to a sigh.

The impact made a small crater in the street. "That steel is pure titanium, how did you break it?!" A soldier asked scared. "My suit is made of something much stronger than titanium." She said as she punched the soldier. He went flying into a building and died. "Who's next?" The Architect asked as she looked at her fist and wiped blood off it. The remaining few hundred soldiers opened fire on her. Half of them died by bullets bouncing off her shield. The rest of them attempted to kill her with melee weapons. She walked towards them. The first group of soldiers attacked her with swords. They broke on her shield and then she would kick them or punch them, and if the punch or kick didn't kill them, then flying into a building at 50 miles per hour did. The second group of soldiers was much bigger. They all attacked with their fists. She shrugged and one was able to punch her. She grabbed his arm and ripped it off. The she grabbed one of the fallen swords and threw it straight through 18 people. She looked at the remaining soldiers. Their eyes were filled with fear. It was if they were staring at a monster. She got bored looking at their fearful faces. She walked over to each remaining soldier as they were paralyzed with fear. She snapped their heads clean off. Blood, bodies, rubble, and dust filled the streets of Berlin. She had her robot fire at the center of town, right where William's office was. William stared at the robot as it charged its shot. "Can you quit showing off and just kill them!" CLYDE shouted. The Architect didn't hear him. The shot fired. William closed his eyes as he and Caleb were completely obliterated. 

The Architect walked to the center of town. Citizens gathered to see the destruction she caused. Hundreds upon thousands lay dead in the streets. Buildings were toppled from the three shots the robot fired. Whoever she was, wherever she's from, they're not a foe the Alliance can take lightly. "Broadcast this to the entire Alliance!" She ordered as the crowd moved away from her in fear. The media quickly followed her orders in fear. Every screen in the entire Alliance was switched to this live event. Schoolboys and girls would gather in groups to watch. Workplaces would halt to see. Phillip stared in complete horror because he knew this was what William spoke of. "My name is The Architect. I am not of this universe. I was sent by a friend of mine, and a foe of yours. The Deity. He was killed all those years ago, it was only a much weaker version that I alone can take care of easily. I am of an empire called The Robot Syndicate. We hail from a universe much similar, only heroes like Tristan Grave, Tony Kendrick, Lucine Khachatur, Ayami Nakayama, and Markov weren't real. Some of them, such as myself, would be the top generals, or in my case the weakest, in the entire empire. You will lose to the weakest person we can offer. It is, of course, the very will of our lord. This city, Berlin, has fallen to three shots and a couple of decapitations. This city and its people will mark the end of the Alliance and my reign. The Robot Syndicate has come." The Architect announced with all eyes in the Alliance looking. 

The Alliance lost so much, and they had few resources left compared to what they were before The Hive outbreak last year. If they were going to win, they had to kill her now. Helios soldiers flooded the scene. The Earth defense fleet blocked the skies. The broadcast ended with a maniacal laugh, her maniacal laugh. She ran towards the Helios soldiers and had the robot aim its weapons at the fleet above. 

~The Moon, Helios Headquarters~

"Hey, Tony, are we going to do anything about that?" Skyler asked as he and Ben, the remaining two members of Tony's crew, walked into Tony's office. "Don't tell James. I don't want that punk taking this from me. Let's go." Tony said grabbing his Project Helios jacket and a Class-AA AK-143        

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