Chapter 20: RSU2 Is Born Part 2

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~October 2nd, 2096, Gilt System, Robot Syndicate Spire~

A blue force field stopped the explosion from killing everyone. "What?!" The Architect and Sam asked in shock at the same time. "Howdy, Sam, other Sam, is there a third Sam?" McClain asked jokingly as the Stream-Head and the Fast-Forward flew right up to the spire. McClain was standing on the ship with The Book in his hands. He used it to make the physical illusion of a force field. "You guys don't know captain Wulford, so, friends, foes, meet captain Wulford and his crew." McClain said pointing at the Fast-Forward. The crew currently consists of Malone, Gilbert, Caitlin, Kurt, Megan, Kurt, Don, and Sarah. McClain and Wulford landed their time ships. "How did you guys get here?" Jacob asked confused. "First off, this time anomaly caught our attention, and Peter called us." McClain explained. "I did, actually." Jerald said as he, Peter, and Dakota walked out of the Stream-Head. "I did." Dakota said correcting him. The Architect got tired and blasted the Fast-Forward. The ship exploded and fell off the spire. "Jesus, that's a powerful cannon!" McClain yelled as he recovered from the blast. Sam looked at McClain. "Of all people, why you?" McClain asked. "Why what?" Sam asked. "Why go bad?" McClain asked.

"I'm not evil, I'm not the villain. I'm the hero, the savior, your goddess!" Sam yelled as she flew as fast as she could at McClain. Sam punched McClain into one of the pillars holding up the star. Tristan McClain, McClain's twin, and Stu ran to McClain with their artifacts; The Sword and The Orb. The three fused. "Hell yeah!" Tristan McClain said as the three fused. Tristan McClain with all of their voices. He is the host body because The Sword is the strongest artifact out of the three. Sheila and Tristan McClain aimed their weapons at Sam.

~Inside Tristan McClain's mind~

"Where's The Bracelet and The Mask?" McClain asked. "Inside the ship." Stu answered. "You want me to get them, bro?" Tristan McClain asked. McClain nodded.

~Robot Syndicate Spire~

Tristan McClain ran right past Sam, dodged a punch, and ripped a hole in the Stream-Head with The Sword. He was in the room that they kept their artifacts. "Fusion with five artifacts and three hosts, this isn't a good idea." Tristan McClain said with all three voices as he fused the other two artifacts with him.

The Mask appeared on his face and the Bracelet on one of his arms. The Bracelet held up The Book and the smaller orbs with swords around them. Tristan McClain's body was able to handle it better than McClain back during the third Hive outbreak because of abundant number of hosts. Tristan McClain walked up to face Sam. "You really think you're going to win?" Sam asked laughing. "Yeah, we do." Tristan McClain said with all three voices as he punched her away from the spire. Tristan McClain flew after Sam.

Everyone else looked at The Architect. "You can't beat us, we're the strongest in the entire multiverse." The Architect said as she summoned her scepter in her left hand and her cannon in her right arm. She fired the cannon at Tristan, Martin, Ota, Gorf, Gus, Eliza, and Sheila. Sheila jumped up and dodged the explosion, and the Wul humans blocked it from hurting Tristan. The Stream-Head and Fast-Forward crews fired at The Architect. Everyone else joined in. Her shields were taking very little damage. "Enough of this!" The Architect shouted as she blasted the time travelers away. She turned to the others and threw her scepter like a spear.

Martin tried to block it, but it landed right in Tristan's chest. "The legend ends like this, how unsatisfactory." The Architect said as everyone stopped and looked at Tristan in sadness, even Sam.

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