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Name: Alis Harrison
Age: 18 years old
Hair color: Dark brown with Light Brown highlights (the natural color is kind of a blonde)
Eye Color: Blue
Hobbies: Playing clarinet, writing fiction stories, singing, reading, and Netflix (yes, that does count as a hobby, don't judge me)
Favorite TV Shows: Sherlock, Doctor Who, Gravity Falls, and Gotham
Note: My roommate is introducing me to the show at the time when this story takes place.

So, that's a little bit about me. The picture is basically what I look like.
Now, on with the story! It all started on a normal day after classes at SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design). 

A/N: I do not own Sherlock or anything that is associated with it. All of that belongs to BBC and the genius writers that are in Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat. I only own Alis Harrison, Vanessa Morgan, and another OC that I won't reveal because that would be a spoiler. I also own any original plotlines that I come up with, so no stealing. I hope you like my fan fiction!

Also, special thanks to for the transcript!  

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