Chapter 25

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When I walked into the kitchen from the living room, I saw Mrs. Hudson fleeing from the kitchen as Sherlock and John acknowledged my presence. "It's one of the deadliest poisons on the planet!" Sherlock exclaimed. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Carl Powers!" Sherlock clarified. "Oh, wait, are you saying he was murdered?" I asked. Then, Sherlock stood up and walked over to where he had hung up the laces from the trainers. "Remember the shoelaces?" he asked. "Mmm," I said, getting the big picture. "The boy suffered from eczema. It'd be the easiest thing in the world to introduce the poison into his medication. Two hours later he comes up to London, the poison takes effect, paralyses the muscles and he drowns," said John. "What – how-how come the autopsy didn't pick that up?" I asked, absolutely shocked. "It's virtually undetectable. Nobody would have been looking for it," said Sherlock as he walked around the table to where his computer notebook was lying. The Forum page of The Science of Deduction, his own website, was open and he began to type in the message box as I joined him:

FOUND. Pair of trainers belonging to Carl Powers (1978-1989).

Sherlock straightened up to point to the laces. "But there were still tiny traces of it left inside the trainers from where he put the cream on his feet," he said as he continued to type:

Botulinum toxin still present. Apply 221b Baker St.

Once Sherlock sent the message, he straightened back up. "That's why they had to go," he said. "So how do we let the bomber know ..." I trailed off. "Get his attention ..." said Sherlock. "Mm-hm," I said. "... stop the clock," Sherlock finished. "The killer kept the shoes all these years," I said. "Yes," Sherlock paused as he looked at me. "Meaning ..." "He's our bomber," I finished. Then, the pink phone rang on the side table. Sherlock hurried over to it and switched on the speaker. "Well done, you. Come and get me," said the woman, sobbing in anguish. "Where are you?" I asked loudly. "Tell us where you are," Sherlock added.  

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