Chapter 39

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Sherlock's POV

As soon as Moriarty left, I turned to John. "Can you get yourself out of there?" I asked. John nodded as he began to get the bomb off of him. Then, I quickly took off my shoes and cardigan. "Sherlock, what are you doing?" asked John. "What does it look like? I'm saving Alissa. Don't you dare call the police or an ambulance. I can do this myself and we cannot risk Alissa's safety," I said. Then, I jumped into the pool and began to look for her. Luckily, it wasn't long before I found her slowly falling towards the bottom of the pool. Once I had a firm grasp on her waist, I swam up to the surface, placing her on the tiles. John ran over and checked her pulse. "She's not breathing," he said. "I know. We can still save her, though. She hasn't been in the pool long enough for us to lose hope," I paused as I looked at John with a determined expression on my face. "John, I highly recommend that you stand back," I said.

And once he did that, I turned back to Alissa's limp form, preparing myself for what I was about to do. "Don't worry, Alissa. I'm not giving up on you just yet," I said as I began CPR. Thirty compressions and two breaths per round. I can't believe that I'm even saying this, but thank you, Mycroft. Once I finished the compressions, I leaned over and breathed into Alissa's mouth. She still wasn't breathing when I checked again, so I repeated the cycle. "Come on, Alissa, breathe!" I exclaimed as I sealed my mouth over hers once again. And after two more rounds of CPR after the two that I had already done, Alissa finally regained consciousness, violently struggling to get air back into her lungs. "John, there's an oxygen tank in that blue cabinet. Bring it to me, now," I said.

Alissa was breathing steadily within a few minutes. "Deep breaths, Alissa. You're going to be alright," said John, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. And soon after that, Alissa passed out. No surprise there. There was no way of knowing what terrible things Moriarty did to her while she was his prisoner. I took the oxygen mask off and lifted her into my arms. "There is no doubt she has been severely injured. We need to take her to a hospital," said John. "Like I already told you, we cannot risk Alissa's safety. No hospitals. Moriarty or one of his men may be looking for her," I said. "Then, what can we do?" asked John. I sighed. "You need to go back to the flat, John. I can tell from your body language that you are still very much in shock and you need rest. I can take care of this," I said. "But Sherlock-" "I mean it, John. Go, please," I said.

Once John left, I went outside and hailed a cab. I turned to the driver and handed him a card."Take me to this address. And hurry, please. I'll pay as much as you want," I said. "No charge. Are you sure you don't want me to take you to a hospital so they can treat your friend?" he asked. "I'm sure. The person I'm going to can do much better than any doctor," I said as he began to drive.

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