Chapter 5

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  When the three of us arrived, we quickly got out of the cab, paid the driver, and started walking towards the police tape. "So, did we get anything wrong?" asked Sherlock. "Harry and me don't get on, never have. Clara and Harry split up three months ago and they're getting a divorce; and Harry is a drinker," said John. "Spot on, then," I said. "I didn't expect to be right about everything," Sherlock added. "And Harry's short for Harriet," said John. Sherlock and I stopped. "Harry's your sister," I said. "Look, what exactly am I supposed to be doing here?" asked John. "Sister!" Sherlock yelled. "No, seriously, what am I doing here?" John asked again. "There's always something," said Sherlock as we approached the tape, where we were met by a woman with dark skin and brown, curly hair. "Hello, freak," she said. "I'm here to see Detective Inspector Lestrade," said Sherlock. "Why?" asked the woman. "I was invited," said Sherlock. "Why?" she asked again. "I think he wants me to take a look," he said sarcastically. "Well, you know what I think, don't you?" she asked as Sherlock lifted the tape and ducked underneath it, me following close behind him. "Always, Sally," he paused as he breathed in through his nose. "I even know you didn't make it home last night," he said. "I don't..." Sally paused as she looked at John and me. "Er, who are they?" she asked. "Colleagues of mine, Doctor Watson and Alis Harrison," he paused as he turned to us. "Doctor Watson, Alis, Sergeant Sally Donovan. Old friend," he said sarcastically. "Colleagues? How do you get colleagues?!" Sally paused as she turned to me and John. "What, did he follow you two home?" she asked. "It's a long story," I said. "Would it be better if I just waited and..." "No," Sherlock interrupted as he lifted the tape for him. Then, the four of us walked over to a man dressed in a coverall. "Ah, Anderson. Here we are again," said Sherlock. "It's a crime scene. I don't want it contaminated. Are we clear on that?" asked Anderson. "Quite clear. And is your wife away for long?" asked Sherlock. "Oh, don't pretend you worked that out. Somebody told you that," said Anderson. "Your deodorant told me that," said Sherlock. "My deodorant?" Anderson repeated. "It's for men," said Sherlock. "Well, of course it's for men! I'm wearing it!" Anderson said, seeming pretty annoyed. "So's Sergeant Donovan," said Sherlock. "Ooh, and I think it's just vaporized. May we go in?" asked Sherlock. "Now look: whatever you're trying to imply..." "I'm not implying anything. I'm sure Sally came round for a nice little chat, and just happened to stay over," said Sherlock as he went towards the door and nudged me to continue. "And I assumed she scrubbed your floors, going by the state of her knees," I said. "Oh, God! There's two of them now," Donovan whispered as the three of us walked into a room on the ground floor, where Lestrade was putting on a coverall. Sherlock pointed to a pile of similar items. "You need to wear one of these," he said to John. "What about me?" I asked. "You don't need them," he said. "Who are they?" asked Lestrade. "They're with me," said Sherlock as he took off his gloves and helped me out of my coat. "But who are they?" Lestrade asked again. "I said they're with me," said Sherlock as he picked up a pair of latex gloves and handed a pair to me. Once I had put them on, Sherlock turned back to Lestrade. "So, where are we?" he asked. "Upstairs," said Lestrade. Then, the four of us walked upstairs to a closed door. "I can give you two minutes," said Lestrade. "May need longer," Sherlock said casually. "Her name's Jennifer Wilson according to her credit cards. We're running them now for contact details. Hasn't been here for long. Some kids found her," said Lestrade as he opened the door and we walked in. A woman's body is lying face down on the floor, dressed in all pink. Sherlock and I slowly stepped forward until he stopped me. "Shut up," Sherlock said to Lestrade. "I didn't say anything," said Lestrade. "You were thinking. It's annoying," said Sherlock as he crouched down and examined the body. After a few minutes, Lestrade spoke up. "Got anything?" he asked. "Not much," said Sherlock as he took the gloves off and begins typing on his phone. Then, Anderson spoke up. "She's German. 'Rache': it's German for 'revenge'. She could be trying to tell us something..." "Shut up, Anderson," I interrupted as I closed the door on him and walked back to Sherlock. "Thank you," he said, not looking up from his phone. "No problem. He's so annoying," I said as I looked at what Sherlock was doing. He was looking at the weather. I was able to make a few deductions just by observing what he was doing. "So, she's German?" asked Lestrade. "Of course she's not. She's from out of town, though. Intended to stay in London for one night before returning home to Cardiff," I said as Sherlock put his phone away. "So far, so obvious," he said. "Sorry-- obvious?" John repeated. "What about the message, though?" asked Lestrade. Sherlock ignored him as he turned to John. "Doctor Watson, what do you think?" he asked. "Of the message?" asked John. "Of the body. You're a medical man," I said. "Wait, no, we have a whole team right outside," said Lestrade. "They won't work with me," said Sherlock. "I'm breaking every rule letting you in here," said Lestrade. "Yes...because you need me," said Sherlock. "Yes, I do. God help me," said Lestrade. "Doctor Watson," I said. "Hm?" asked John as he looked at Lestrade, silently asking for permission. "Oh, do as he says. Help yourself," he said as he walked out of the room and closed the door. Then, the three of us walked over to the body and crouched down beside it.

A/N: I'm just going to skip over to the point where they are walking out of the house for length's sake. Plus, I didn't really know what to write for that part when this was originally on Quotev. 

When I had walked out of the building, Sherlock and John were nowhere to be seen. But Donovan was standing by the tape. "They're gone," she said. "Sherlock and John?" we asked. "Yeah, they just took off. Sherlock does that a lot, and I was surprised by how fast your friend was," she said. "Are they coming back?" I asked. "Didn't look like it," she said. "Right," I paused as I realized I had no idea where I was. "Sorry, where am I?" I asked. "Brixton," she said. "Right. Do you know where I can get a cab? I don't exactly know the way back," I said. Donovan lifted the tape for me as I ducked under it. "Try the main road," she said. "Thanks," I said. "But you're not his friend. He doesn't have friends. So, who are you?" she asked. I turned back to Sally. "I'm nobody. I just met him yesterday," I said. "Okay, bit of advice then: stay away from that guy," she said. "Why?" I asked. "You know why he's here? He's not paid or anything. He likes it. He gets off on it. The weirder the crime, the more he gets off. And you know what? One day just showing up won't be enough. One day we'll be standing round a body and Sherlock Holmes'll be the one that put it there," she said. "Why would he do that?" I asked. "Because he's a psychopath. And psychopaths get bored," she said. At that moment, Lestrade yelled for Donovan. "Coming. Stay away from Sherlock Holmes," she said as she walked back into the house. I just shrugged and walked away.

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