Chapter 42

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January 3, 2011

When I awoke, I smiled. Today was my 19th birthday. But just as I was about to get dressed, I noticed that there was a note on my bedside table:

If you see a man and woman in your flat, don't be alarmed. They work for me. They are going to help you get ready for a little surprise that I have planned. I guarantee that you'll love it. See you in a bit.

-Dad ♡

I smiled. I couldn't wait to see what Mycroft had planned for my birthday. Once I had gotten dressed, I walked into the sitting room and sure enough, there was a man and woman sitting on the couch. When they heard me walk into the room, they stood up. "Régine, right?" asked the man. I nodded. "Ethan Black. Your uncle just so happens to be my boss. This is my colleague, Dana Marshall," said Ethan. "It's good to meet you both. So, what have you guys got planned for me today?" I asked. "Well, we got you breakfast at Mycroft's request. And once you've finished eating, we are taking you to a dress shop. You certainly can't go to the party dressed like that. It's a formal occasion," said Ethan. "And after lunch, we are coming back here and Ethan will be doing your hair and makeup," said Dana. "Why is Ethan doing it and not a professional?" I asked. "I worked at a beauty salon before my current job. Plus, I'm gay, so that helps," said Ethan. "Well, I'm a lesbian, so no judgements here," I said. "I like you. We should meet up for lunch sometime after this," he said. "I'd be down for that. But we're getting off track. We'll be meeting Mycroft at wherever the surprise will be, right?" I asked. "Correct," said Dana. "I don't suppose you know what's in store for me, do you?" I asked. "We do, but we're not allowed to tell. It's a surprise. I'm honestly surprised you haven't deduced it already," said Ethan. "Rule One of deductions: It is absolutely impossible to deduce a family member," I said. "Right," said Dana.

Once we had finished eating, Ethan, Dana, and I got into a cab and went to one of the best formal clothing shops in London. It also tended to be fairly expensive, which worried me a little bit. "Mycroft's covering all of this, right?" I asked as we walked into the store. "Of course. He wouldn't make you pay for anything on your birthday. He's not that cruel," said Dana. I breathed a sigh of relief as we began searching. And after about an hour and a half, I found the perfect dress, along with a really elegant tailcoat. When Ethan and Dana saw it, they smiled. "That is perfect for you," said Dana. "I take it that you're into musical theatre?" asked Ethan. "As a matter of fact, I am. How did you know?" I asked. "The outfit you picked out kind of gives off a musical theatre vibe," he said. "It does, doesn't it? Well, let's go try it on," I said as Dana and I headed towards the fitting room.

Fortunately for me, the dress fit perfectly. And after we got lunch, we went back to the mansion and I got changed into my outfit. When Dana saw me, she looked like she was about to cry. "You alright, Dana?" I asked. "Yeah. You just look absolutely fabulous. Just wait until Ethan gets done with you. You'll look absolutely radiant," she said. "Well let's do it, then," I said. Then, we walked out into the sitting room, where Ethan had everything set up. When he saw me, he smiled. "You look amazing, Régine. Oh, I know exactly what to do with you! Come sit down over here," he said, gesturing to the parlor chair. And once I sat down, Ethan got to work. "Close your eyes. No peeking," he said.

"Alright, you can open your eyes now," said Ethan. And when I did, I was . I looked absolutely beautiful. I could tell Ethan agreed. "Oh, you are ready!" he exclaimed. "I agree. Let's do this. So, who is taking me there?" I asked. "Since I'm part of Mycroft's security, he thought it would be wise if I escorted you," said Ethan. "Mycroft has his own security?" I asked. Ethan nodded. I leaned over to Dana. "'Minor position in the British government' my ass," I whispered. "I know, right?!" she said. "You know I can hear you, right?" asked Ethan. Dana and I laughed. "Sorry, Ethan," we said. "It's alright. So, shall we go, Miss Holmes?" he asked, extending his arm. I walked over and linked my arm with his. "Yes. Let's go," I said. Then, we walked out of the house and got into Ethan's car.

When we pulled up, I saw that we were at the Radio Rooftop Bar, a place that Mycroft had shown me the night after we were reunited that I had grown quite fond of. It was also the night I had my first alcoholic beverage (I know I'm from America, but the UK drinking age is 18, so I'm good.). "Nice choice, Dad," I whispered. Then, Ethan helped me out of the car and escorted me inside. "Is Mycroft Holmes already here?" he asked the manager. "Yes. He's up on the balcony. I can escort the young lady up there, if you'd like?" asked the manager. "Yes, that would be great," Ethan paused as he turned to me, pressing a kiss on my cheek. "Happy birthday, Régine," he said. And once Ethan was gone, the manager turned to me. "Before you go up, may I get you a drink? Your father's covering everything, of course," he said. "I'll take a Goldeneye," I said. He nodded as he made my drink in about two minutes. "So, shall we go up?" he asked. I nodded as the manager led me up to the balcony. It was absolutely gorgeous.

I saw Mycroft leaning against the balcony, drink in hand, just taking the view in

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I saw Mycroft leaning against the balcony, drink in hand, just taking the view in. I nodded to the manager, and he left. Then, I casually walked up and stood beside my dad, who set his drink down and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Happy birthday, darling," he said. "Thanks. You really outdid yourself. I mean, how did you manage to get the balcony to be just for us?" I asked. "Being in the British Government has its perks. By the way, I have something for you," he said. "All of this and you still got me a present? Dad, I don't know what to say," I said. Then, he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small black box. And when I opened it, I was speechless.

 And when I opened it, I was speechless

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When I read the message on the back, I burst into tears

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When I read the message on the back, I burst into tears. "I had a necklace very similar to this made for your mother, so I decided that I would make one for you," my dad paused as he took the necklace and put it on me. "She would be unbelievably proud of the mature and intelligent woman that you have become. And believe me, so am I," he said. "Thank you," I said as I set down my drink and hugged him. It took so long for me to realize that everything was back to normal. But during that night, it finally sank in. I was finally home.

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