Chapter 6

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A/N: So, you may wonder why John isn't with Alis when she meets Mycroft. Basically what happened was Sherlock left, then John got picked up by Mycroft, then John went back to the flat, and now, it's Alis's turn. Enjoy!

While I was walking down the road, the phone in a telephone box began to ring. I ignored it and kept walking. But what was weirder was that when I tried to hail a taxi, they all just kept on driving, even though they clearly saw me. And then, a phone inside a fast food restaurant started to ring, but when one of the staff picked it up, it stopped ringing. But then, a phone in another telephone box started ringing. "I give up," I said as I walked to the box, opened the door, and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I asked. "There is a security camera on the building to your left. Do you see it?" asked a man's voice. "Who are you?" I asked. "Do you see it, Miss Harrison?" he asked. I looked over to my left and sure enough, there was the camera on the building. "Yeah, I see it," I said. "Watch," he said. At that moment, the camera turned away. "There is another camera on the building opposite you. Do you see it?" he asked. I looked at the camera across from me that was pointing at the phone box. "I can see it pretty clearly," I said as the camera turned away. "And finally, at the top of the building on your right," he said. And there it was. "It seems that I have passed your test. Now, can you please tell me what in the world is this all about?" I asked as the camera turned away. "Get into the car, Miss Harrison," the man paused as a black car pulled up and the driver got out and opened the door. "I would make some sort of threat, but I'm sure your situation is quite clear to you," he said. "Very well," I said. At that moment, the phone went dead and I got in the car. There was another woman with me but I knew that there was no point in speaking to her. "You're much quieter than your friend," she said, not looking up from her phone. "You mean Doctor Watson?" I asked. "Oh, you're good. I think my boss is going to like you," she said, looking up from her phone and smiling. 

A few minutes later, the car pulled up into an empty warehouse. When I got out of the car, there was a man in a suit with an umbrella on the side of the chair that he was sitting in. There was another chair across from him. "Have a seat, Alis," he said. I saw no point in arguing with the man and proceeded to do so. "You never answered my question. What in the world is this all about?" I asked. "I have chosen not to answer that question. What is your connection to Sherlock Holmes?" he asked. "I don't have one. I literally just met him yesterday. And from the look on your face, it is safe to assume that my answer was the same answer that John Watson gave you when you asked him that exact same question," I said. "My assistant was right. You are good. But back to the subject at hand. Just minutes after you met him, you moved into the flat with him one day before Doctor Watson did," he said. "Well, he didn't give me any other choice," I said. "Good point. And now, you're solving crimes with him along with Doctor Watson. Might we expect a happy announcement by the end of the week?" he asked. "Who are you?" I asked. "An interested party," he said. "Interested in Sherlock, that is. But, why? Because I can already tell that you're not a friend of his," I said. "You've met him. How many 'friends' do you imagine he has? I am the closest thing to a friend that Sherlock Holmes is capable of having," he said. "Which is an enemy. Well, if I were to ask him, he'd probably say his arch-enemy. He does love to be dramatic," I said. "Stop doing that," he said sternly. At that point, my phone buzzed and when I looked at it, I saw that Sherlock had texted me. "Could you hold on for one second?" I asked. "By all means, go ahead," said the man. Then, I looked at the text:

How long do you plan
on negotiating with
my brother, Alis?

I knew he was your brother!
And you may want to sit back.
It's gonna be awhile.

Well, come to the flat as soon as you can.
Scotland Yard is doing a drugs bust on the flat
right now and I'm not happy about it.


At that point, I turned off my phone and put it in my pocket. "Sorry about that. And by the way, I know exactly who you are, Mycroft Holmes," I said. "How long have you known?" asked Mycroft. "From the moment I first saw you. I just needed a confirmation from Sherlock," I said. "Do you plan to continue your association with my brother?" he asked. "I don't believe that is any of your concern," I said. "It could be," he said. "It really couldn't. And don't even try to offer me money to spy on Sherlock. I don't spy on anyone," I said as I stood up and started to walk away. But Mycroft grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him. "Miss Harrison, I would advise you to think on my offer before you decline it so quickly. You wouldn't want to make an enemy of me," he said. I sighed. "As much as I don't want to make an enemy of you, I was telling the truth. I will never spy on anyone because it goes against my moral code. And I never go against my moral code. Ever," I said. "Miss Harrison, I am not asking you to spy on Sherlock. I am asking to put you under surveillance," he said. "Why?" I asked. "Because Sherlock has told me that he has a hard time deducing you and I am having a hard time deducing you myself. So I have absolutely no idea what you are capable of. And if I don't put you under surveillance, there is no telling what will happen," he said. I sighed. "You're right. I don't trust myself either after what has happened over the last two days," I said. "What do you mean?" he asked. 'Can I really trust this guy to keep my secret?' I asked myself. But I knew that I couldn't leave him without an answer. "Okay. What I am about to tell you has been my biggest secret since I arrived here. You have to swear to me that you won't tell anyone. And I mean anyone," I said. "You have my word," he said as he let go of my wrist. "I'm not from around here. And I don't mean that in the sense that I wasn't born in this country, but I mean that in a sense that I wasn't born in this dimension. Two days ago, I had just gotten back to my dorm from classes at the university and was about to do my homework when suddenly, some kind of portal opened in my room and the next thing I knew, I was smack in the middle of Russel Square Park. I don't know how it happened or anything. One minute I was in my own dimension, and the next minute, I'm here," I said. "That is an interesting story. No wonder you accepted my offer," he said. "Yeah," I said. "Well, I believe you should be on your way. I'll escort you back to the flat," he said as he walked me towards the car.

Once we got back to 221b Baker Street, Mycroft and I got out of the car. Then, he handed me a piece of paper. "If you ever need me for any reason, here is my number," he said. "Thank you, Mr. Holmes," I said. "Mycroft, please. I don't want any formalities between us. Consider me as a friend," he said, smiling. "I think I'll do that. It was nice meeting you, Mycroft," I said. "And you as well, Alis," he said as he pressed a kiss to the back of my hand and got back into the car. Once he left, I plugged the number into my phone and went inside the flat.  

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