Chapter 8

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A/N: Final part of "A Study in Pink".

Sherlock and I were sitting in an ambulance outside the college. There were shock blankets on both of us as Lestrade walked over. "Why have I got this blanket? They keep putting this blanket on me," said Sherlock. "Yeah, it's for shock," said Lestrade. "I'm not in shock," said Sherlock. "Yeah, but some of the guys want to take photographs," said Lestrade. "Could you send me some?" I asked. "Sure," Lestrade laughed. "Alis!" Sherlock chastised. "Sorry," I said. "So, the shooter. No sign?" asked Sherlock. "Cleared off before we got here. But a guy like that would have had enemies, I suppose. One of them could have been following him but... got nothing to go on," said Lestrade. "Oh, I wouldn't say that," I said. "Okay, gimme," said Lestrade. "The bullet they just dug out of the wall's from a handgun. A kill shot over that distance, from that kind of a weapon, that's a crack shot. But not just a marksman, a fighter. His hands couldn't have shaken at all, so clearly he's acclimatized to violence. He didn't fire until Sherlock was in immediate danger, though, so strong moral principle. You're looking for a man probably with a history of military service and... and nerves of steel..." "Actually, do you know what? Ignore her," Sherlock interrupted. "Sorry?" asked Lestrade. "Ignore all of that. It's just the, er... the shock talking," I said as we got up. "Where're you two going?" asked Lestrade. "We just need to talk about the-the rent," said Sherlock. "But I've still got questions for you," said Lestrade. "Oh, what now? We're in shock! Look, we've got blankets!" I exclaimed. "Sherlock, Alis!" Lestrade exclaimed. "And... we just caught you a serial killer," said Sherlock. "More or less," I added. "Okay. We'll bring you two in tomorrow. Off you go," said Lestrade as we walked over to John. "Erm... Sergeant Donovan's... just been explaining... everything. Two pills... Dreadful business, isn't it? Dreadful," said John. "Good shot," said Sherlock. "Yes. Yes, must have been, through that window," said John. "We'll, you'd know," I said. "Need to get the powder burns out of your fingers. I don't suppose you'd serve time for this, but let's avoid the court case," Sherlock added. "Are you alright?" I asked. "Yes, of course I'm all right," said John. "Well, you have just killed a man," said Sherlock. "Yes, I... That's true, isn't it? But he wasn't a very nice man," said John. "No. No, he wasn't really, was he?" I asked. "And frankly a bloody awful cabbie," said John. "That's true. He was a bad cabbie," said Sherlock. "Should have seen the route he took us to get here!" I added. "Stop! Stop, we can't giggle, it's a crime scene! Stop it!" John exclaimed. "You're the one who shot him. Don't blame me," said Sherlock. "Keep your voices down. Sorry, it's just, erm... nerves, I think," said John. "Sorry," I said. "You were going to take that damned pill, weren't you?" asked John. "Course I wasn't. Biding my time. Knew you'd turn up," said Sherlock. "No you didn't. It's how you get your kicks, isn't it? You risk your life to prove you're clever," I said. "Why would I do that?" asked Sherlock. "Because you're an idiot," said John. "Dinner?" asked Sherlock. "Starving," said John. "Agreed," I added. "End of Baker Street, there's a good Chinese stays open until two. You can always tell a good Chinese by examining the bottom third of the door handle," said Sherlock as Mycroft Holmes walked over with "Anthea". "Sherlock. That's him. That's the man I was talking to you about," said John. "We know him," I said. "He kidnapped you, too?" asked John. "Well, I wouldn't say kidnapping," I said. "So, another case cracked. How very public spirited... though that's never really your motivation, is it?" asked Mycroft. "What are you doing here?" asked Sherlock. "As ever, I'm concerned about you. Plus, I wanted to check on Alis," said Mycroft. "Yes, I've been hearing about your "concern". And why are you worried about Alis?" asked Sherlock. "I'll explain later," I said. "You better," said John. "Always so aggressive. Did it never occur to you that you and I belong on the same side?" asked Mycroft. "Oddly enough... no!" Sherlock exclaimed. "We have more in common than you like to believe. This petty feud between us is simply childish. People will suffer... and you know how it always upset Mummy," said Mycroft. "I upset her? Me? It wasn't me that upset her, Mycroft," said Sherlock. "No, no, wait. Mummy? Who's Mummy?" asked John. "Mother. Their mother, to be exact. John Watson, this is Sherlock's brother, Mycroft Holmes," I said. "Putting on weight again?" asked Sherlock. "Losing it, in fact," said Mycroft. "He's your brother?!" John exclaimed. "Of course he's my brother," said Sherlock. "So he's not..." "Not what?" asked Sherlock. "I dunno... criminal mastermind?" asked John. "Close enough," said Sherlock. "For goodness' sake. I occupy a minor position in the British Government," said Mycroft. "In Sherlock's mind, he is the British Government, when he's not too busy being the British Secret Service or the CIA on a freelance basis," I said. "You've improved, Miss Harrison," said Mycroft. "Mycroft, I told you to call me Alis," I said. "Apologies," said Mycroft. "Good evening, Mycroft. Try not to start a war before I get home- you know what it does for the traffic," said Sherlock as he walked off. "So, when-when you say you're concerned about him, you actually are concerned?" asked John. "Yes, of course," said Mycroft. "I mean, it actually is a childish feud?" asked John. "He's always been so resentful. You can imagine the Christmas dinners. Would you excuse me? I need to speak with Alis," said Mycroft. "Of course," said John as he went to talk to "Anthea". "Are you alright?" asked Mycroft. "Yeah. I guess I'm just a little shaken up from tonight's events," I said. "When you're solving crimes with my brother, you'll get used it. Just promise me one thing," he said. "What is that?" I asked. "Be careful. I don't know what I would do if you got hurt and I wasn't there," said Mycroft. "I promise. I still can't believe that you care about me this much," I said. "I have to. You're under my surveillance," he said. "Of course. Good evening, Mycroft," I said. "Good evening, Alis," he said as I walked off to join Sherlock and John. "So: dim sum," said John. "Mmm! I can always predict the fortune cookies," said Sherlock. "No you can't," said John. "Almost can. You did get shot, though," said Sherlock. "Sorry?" asked John. "In Afghanistan. There was an actual wound," I said. "Oh, yeah. Shoulder," said John. "Shoulder! I thought so," said Sherlock. "No you didn't," I said. "The left one," said Sherlock. "Lucky guess," said John. "I never guess," said Sherlock. "Yes you do," I said. "What are you so happy about?" asked John. "Moriarty," said Sherlock. "What's Moriarty?" I asked. "I've absolutely no idea," said Sherlock as the three of us got in a cab.  

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