Part 7

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A/N: So, it seems that Alis took a little too long with Mycroft, because, as the genius author that I am, she missed the drug's bust and Sherlock got kidnapped. Now, Harrison and Watson are beginning the hunt for Holmes. Enjoy!  

When I got up to the flat, Scotland Yard, Mrs. Hudson and John were there, but Sherlock was nowhere to be seen. "Where's Sherlock?" I asked. "He just got in a cab. It's Sherlock. He just drove off in a cab," said John. "I told you, he does that. He bloody left again. We're wasting our time!" Donovan exclaimed. "I'm calling the phone. It's ringing out," said John. "The pink phone?" I asked. "No, there's a new purple phone we're looking for! Of course it's the pink phone!" Anderson said sarcastically. "Shut up, Anderson!" I yelled. But as John was calling the phone, no one answered it. "If it's ringing, it's not here," said Lestrade. "I'll try the search again," said Watson. "Does it matter? Does any of it? You know, he's just a lunatic, and he'll always let you down, and you're wasting your time. All our time," said Donovan. "Okay, everybody. Done here," Lestrade paused as he told everyone except him, John, Mrs. Hudson, and I to get out. "Why did he do that? Why did he have to leave?" asked Lestrade. "You know him better than us," said John. "I've known him for five years and no, I don't," said Lestrade. "So why do you put up with him?" I asked. "Because I'm desperate. that's why. And because Sherlock Holmes is a great man. And I think one day, if we're very, very lucky, he might even be a great one," said Lestrade as he left the flat. "We've got to find him," I said. "I know," said John as he handed me my coat and we got a cab.

While we were driving to the location, John was trying to get a hold of Lestrade. "No, Detective Inspector Lestrade. I need to speak to him. It's important. It's an emergency!" John exclaimed. I looked at the tracker to give the driver the next direction. "Er, left here, please. Left here," I said.

When we got to the location, John and I jumped out of the cab, quickly paid the driver, and immediately started looking for Sherlock. We were looking on every floor. "Sherlock?" I asked. "Sherlock!" John exclaimed. Suddenly, I got a vision. It was like my mind was telling me where Sherlock was. "I don't know how, but I've found him. Look out the window," I said. And when we did, we saw that Sherlock and the taxi driver were in the room across from us. "Sherlock!" we yelled. But they didn't hear us. They just kept on talking. And a few minutes later, I heard a gunshot. When I looked at John, I realized that he shot the taxi driver. "John, what have you done?!" I exclaimed as I went to the room that Sherlock was in. But when I finally found him, I saw that the taxi driver was dead. Sherlock appeared to be in deep thought. "Did you get anything?" I asked. "The name of his sponsor. Moriarty," he said. I had to admit, I was a little traumatized by the sight of the dead cabbie. "Are you okay?" asked Sherlock. "Not really," I said. "I can tell. You're shivering. Come on. I think we both could use some fresh air," he said as he wrapped an arm around me and we walked out together.  

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