Chapter 11

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After I had gotten done with my rehearsal, I went to my dressing room to change. Just as I had finished with that, I saw that Sherlock had texted me:

What could possibly be so important
that you have had to miss out on this case
for nearly 5 hours?

Sorry. It took longer than I thought.
Where are you, anyway?

We're back at the flat. If you're not back here
within an hour, you're going to be in big trouble.

Yes, Sir. On my way.

Then, I quickly got my stuff and called a taxi. "Where to, miss?" asked the driver. "221b Baker Street," I said.

Once I had paid the driver, I rushed upstairs and saw a very angry Sherlock waiting for me. "Where the hell have you been?!" he asked. "I am so sorry. I lost track of time," I said. "Obviously. You better have been doing something important," he said. "Believe me, I was. Just fill me in on what I missed," I said as I sat down in my chair. Sherlock quickly told me about their investigations at the National Antiques Museum and that they managed to find more of the symbols at South Bank Skate Park, thanks to John, who got a picture of it. They were now waiting for some books containing evidence to be delivered here. "Okay. I think I've got all the details now," I said. "Good. Now, back to the task at hand," said Sherlock as he sat down at the dining table and opened his laptop.  

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