Chapter 15

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3rd Person POV
"I have three tickets under the name of Harrison," said Sherlock as he handed the tickets to the manager, who looked them over to make sure they were valid. "Enjoy," said the manager as he handed him back the tickets. Sherlock, John, and Mycroft were at the ice skating showcase that Alis had gotten them tickets for. However, she wasn't doing the lights in the showcase. Unbeknownst to them, Alis had a much more important role in the showcase. "These really are amazing tickets, Sherlock. How in the world did Alis get us front row seats?" asked John. "I told you. She's helping out with the lights," said Sherlock. "Something tells me that isn't what she's doing," said Mycroft. "What do you mean, brother?" asked Sherlock. "You two are going to have to wait and see. But I guarantee that you will not be disappointed," said Mycroft as they went to get their seats.

Alis's POV
As I was getting changed into my outfit, I had to admit that I was a little nervous. What if I messed up during my performance and got laughed at by the entire audience? 'Don't be ridiculous, Alis. You've prepared so long for this. There is no way you are going to mess up,' I thought. Just as I had gotten finished with my makeup, the stagehand came in. "Three minutes, Miss Harrison," he said. "Yes, I know. I'll be right out," I said as I finished lacing up my skates and walked out of my dressing room. "Ladies and gentlemen, skating to "You Don't Give Up On Love," please welcome Miss Alis Harrison. Then, I skated onto the rink and got into position.

A/N: By the way, Alis' performance is from 0:33-3:28. Enjoy!

When I finished performing, I got a standing ovation from the crowd. Sherlock and John had their jaws hanging open, while Mycroft was looking very pleased. I took my bow and gracefully skated offstage. Once I got back to my dressing room, I quickly changed into my evening  and went into the lobby, where I saw Mycroft (holding a bouquet of yellow roses), Sherlock, and John waiting for me. "How did you know that yellow roses were my favorite? Also, how did you even know I was performing?" I asked as I took the roses from Mycroft. "Deduction, my dear. I'm very surprised that Sherlock didn't figure that one out," he said. "You did amazing, Alis," said John as he and Sherlock hugged me. "John, that is a grave understatement. You were magnificent, Alis," said Mycroft as he kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you. So, Mycroft, what exactly do you have planned for me tonight? You must have dressed up for a reason," I said. "Oh, John and I dressed up for your performance. But, Sherlock dressed up for something else. I'll let him tell you what it is you two are doing tonight. John, would you like me to drive you back to the flat?" asked Mycroft. "Yes of course. You two had better be back by midnight!" John teased. "Shut up, John!" I yelled as he and Mycroft walked off. Then, I turned to Sherlock. "So, what do you have planned for me tonight?" I asked. "Mycroft got us reservations for his private car on the London Eye. I hope you're not afraid of heights," he said. "Definitely not. I got over that fear years ago," I said. "Good. Shall we go?" he asked, holding his arm out. "Of course," I said as I linked my arm with his and we walked to the London Eye.  

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