Chapter 21

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A/N: A short chapter giving a little more insight on Alis.

While the four of us were riding in the taxi, I was still a little shaken up by what had just happened. "So, your real name is Alissandra?" asked Sherlock. "Yeah. Sometimes I go by Alissa, but most of the time, it's just Alis," I said. Sherlock didn't speak for a moment. "You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but what is your family like?" he asked. "I didn't have any siblings. It was just me and my mom. I never knew my dad. Mom never told me about him. She died of cancer a couple of weeks after I had started college. Her name was Geneviève," I said. "Geneviève Harrison?" he asked. I nodded. "To be honest, that name sounds familiar. I just can't figure out where I've heard that name," he said. "Maybe you'll figure it out in time," I said. "Perhaps. I think that it's time that we re-bandaged your hand," he said. I got out the bandages from my bag, handed them to Sherlock, and let him do the work. And by the time he finished, we had arrived at St. Barts. "Well, let's keep this case going, then," I said. "Agreed," he said as the four of us got out of the taxi.  

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