Chapter 27

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A few minutes later, the five of us were at the scene of the crime along with a few forensic officers. "The car was hired yesterday morning by an Ian Monkford. Banker of some kind; City boy. Paid in cash. Told his wife he was going away on a business trip, but he never arrived," said Lestrade as he consulted his notes. Then, Sally turned to John and I as Sherlock and Lestrade were at the passenger door of the car. "You're still hanging round him," she said. "Yeah, well..." "Opposites attract, I suppose," she interrupted. "No, we're not..." "Yeah, no. We're just friends," I said. "You should get yourself a hobby – stamps, maybe. Model trains. Safer," she said. "Nah. This job is way too much fun," I said as we walked over to Sherlock and Lestrade. "Before you ask, yes, it's Monkford's blood. The DNA checks out," said Lestrade. "No body," I said. "Not yet," said Donovan. Then, Sherlock and I turned to Lestrade. "Get a sample sent to the lab," said Sherlock. Lestrade nodded as we walked over to Mrs. Monkford, who had just gotten finished talking to a police officer. "Mrs Monkford?" I asked. She looked up at me and Sherlock, obviously still in shock by what had happened. "Yes. Sorry, but I've already spoken with two policemen," she said. "No, we're not from the police; we're ..." Sherlock motioned for me to stop talking as he held out his hand to Mrs. Monkford. "Sherlock Holmes. Very old friend of your husband's. We, um ..." Sherlock paused as he looked down, "fighting back tears" (he was obviously acting). "... we grew up together," he said. "I'm sorry, who? I don't think he ever mentioned you," she said. I quickly looked away, trying not to burst out laughing. "Oh, he must have done. This is ... this is horrible, isn't it? I mean, I just can't believe it. I only saw him the other day. Same old Ian – not a care in the world," he said, still keeping up his act rather well. "Sorry, but my husband has been depressed for months. Who are you?" she asked as I looked at the two of them again. "Really strange that he hired a car. Why would he do that? It's a bit suspicious, isn't it?" he asked. "No, it isn't. He forgot to renew the tax on the car, that's all," she said. "Oh, well, that was Ian! That was Ian all over!" said Sherlock, still keeping up the act. "No it wasn't," she said. Sherlock's act almost immediately dropped as he looked at Mrs. Monkford intensely. "Wasn't it? Interesting," he said as he walked away, Mrs. Monkford glaring at him. Then, I walked over to her. "I'm Alissa, by the way. Alissa Harrison. I apologize for my colleague's behavior. He doesn't normally act like this," I said as we shook hands. "Who was I talking to?" she asked. "That, Mrs. Monkford, was Sherlock Holmes," I said. "Alissa!" Sherlock yelled. "Well, I've got to go," I paused as I took her hand. "I am so sorry for your loss," I said, giving her a sad smile. Then, I walked away and joined Sherlock. "Why did you lie to her?" I asked. "People don't like telling you things, but they love to contradict you. Past tense, did you notice?" he asked. "Sorry, what?" asked John as he joined us. "I referred to her husband in the past tense. She joined in. Bit premature – they've only just found the car," said Sherlock. "You think she murdered her husband?" I asked. "Definitely not. That's not a mistake a murderer would make," he said. "I see. No, I don't. What am I seeing?" asked John as we walked past Sally. "Fishing! Try fishing!" she called to John and I. I immediately turned my head in her direction. "Shut up, Donovan!" I yelled back. And just as I turned back to Sherlock, he gave me a high-five. "Well done," he said. "She deserved it," I said. "Where now?" asked John. "Janus Cars," Sherlock paused as he showed us a business card. "Just found this in the glove compartment," he said.  

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