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I was drawn to you. I took in every detail of your face and it remains in my memory. Your almond eyes covered by thick eyelashes that were quite frankly, unfair. Your red, swollen lips haunted my dreams for months after our first encounter and I day dreamed about running my fingers through your dark brown curly hair and touching your caramel skin. I silently thank a higher power that Angela dragged me out of the house on that faithful summer day and that we were standing in that particular little cafe when I looked across the road and caught you staring.

"He's definitely checking you out" Angela laughed. This was one of those days I hung out with Angela and her alone. Her foot was jiggling impatiently, a habit she had recently annoyingly picked up, as we waited in the line to order food. Through the glass window I could see across the road. Mystery boy was definitely looking at me but I still needed reassurance.

"You think? " I grinned shyly.

"Call him over" Angela said in a matter of fact tone and looked up at the large menu that was displayed in front of us.

"What!" I said suddenly buckled down with a crippling shyness.

She sighed impatiently and tossed me a look, wondering why I was being shy all of a sudden and then looked back across the road and then back at me again in one quick moment. Raising her eyebrow at me she shakes her head thoughtfully. Having made her mind up she looks through the glass of the tiny cafe. When mystery boy glanced at me again she caught his attention and motioned for him to come into the cafe we were standing in. He looked taken aback but hesitantly whispered something to his taller friend and handed his drink to him before jogging across the road. I was too shocked to say anything so I just smacked Angela's arm and tried not to look nervous. The bell at the door of the cafe made a soft noise as he walked in, the soft chatter of the people in the cafe continued, oblivious to this life changing moment. Okay, maybe I was being a tad bit dramatic. His gorgeous eyes scanned the line which consisted of 3 people in front of us- a lady with a stroller and a sleeping baby inside it that was cutely dressed in a penguin outfit, an old man who kept loudly clearing his throat and scrunching up his nose to move his glasses higher, a tanned woman who was speaking loudly on her phone that reminded me of my mother because of her outfit which consisted of high wedges, white skinny jeans, a tight fighting white top and a black blazer on which her white prada bag hung off. His eyes landed on the Asian man behind us and then finally on Angela and I. He smiled and confidently walked over to us with his hands in the pockets of his well fighting chinos.

"Hi," he smiled flirtatously at me. I take in the large shirt, worn as a jacket, revealing a black top that fit him snugly and showed off his defined abs. He was utterly beautiful but not my type yet he was everything I wanted currently.

I felt a surge of confidence and reached out to take his hand and shake it. Cartier gold watch, I note with some resignation. I had grown up with upper class boys and I wanted something different. So far nothing except his good looks and the fatal attraction I had for him were going in his favour.

"I'm Skylar, I couldn't help but notice that you were staring at me from across the road and thought I'd call you over." He laughed and his eyes crinkled in this adorable way.

"Nice to meet you Skylar, I'm Kevin. And actually your friend was the one that called me over" He pointed out. For a heart stopping moment I thought he might like Angela but then he continued , "but yes, I couldn't help but stare."

Angela scoffed too loudly and I made a mental note to kick her ass when we got home. "This is Angela, by the way." I said. "Nice to meet you" he said and Angela nodded her approval, returning his greeting and staring straight ahead to make herself invisible.

The man behind us mumbled something about jumping lines and unfairness as the line moved one up. Kevin and I looked at each other and burst out laughing.

When we had composed ourselves he looked at me and said "So Skylar, I'd really love to get to know you"

"But?" I asked with an impending sense of dread.

"but my friends are waiting for me. as much as I'd like to stand here speaking to you all day, I have to get back. Is there any chance I could maybe, possibly get your number?"

I smiled "there's a chance."

He looked relieved as he handed me his phone and we exchanged phone numbers.

"I'll text you? " he asked.

"Yeah," I smiled, biting my bottom lip.

He waved at Angela and I as he left the cafe.

For the rest of the summer whenever I wasn't with Angela or other friends I hung out with Kevin. We texted like crazy and flirted heavily.

"What does that mean?" I giggled.

"It means that you, Skylar Darnay, have kissable lips."

"Oh really?" I asked coyly.

He laughed and moved closer to me on the bed. "When is your mom home?" he asked seriously. His voice was soft and his arms were around me.

"Tuesday." I replied in a tone similar to his own. It was Saturday. He inched his head closer and I could smell a mixture of fuits from the sweets we had just shared. My legs were sprawled across his lap and my head rested on the mountain of pillows on my bed. He removed my legs from his lap gently so that I was lying down. He moved up closer on the bed so that he could be lying next to me. Finally after what seemed like years he kissed me. I'd been waiting for this moment for ages. Practicality since the moment we met and it was worth waiting for. His lips tasted amazing as they moved against mine. He gently licked my bottom lip and I felt a moan escape from my throat.

Well that escalated quickly I thought. He was lying on top of me and the kiss had become frantic, my hands were working to remove his top and he was pulling my short dress over my head and on to the floor. What seemed like hours passed before we had successfully removed all of our clothes and I was left in my bra and underwear. I silently sent a thank you to the Gods that Jade had dragged me out to buy new under garments. Matching ones.


I don't know how long we slept for but when I woke up it was dark outside. Each moment of the afternoon came back to me in a rush and I felt dizzy with happiness. Kevin and I had finally hooked up. Oh wait, that made it sound sleazy and cheap. We had finally made love. Okay, that sounded marginally better but made me sound old and gross. As I was racking my brain for a better word Kevin woke up. "Hi" he smiled wickedly and drowsily.

"Hey," I smiled back. Kevin had a mischievous look on his face and I found out why a minute later when my naked body experienced the same sensations it had just previously endured.


This chapter was to introduce Kevin =)

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