Turmoils of the travelling sisters

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Not edited :)

"You're back." I said slowly looking at the pair of eyes so different to my own.

I turned around and walked away from her.

"Skylar! " she called out to me.

I turned back around and looked at her.

"What?" I demanded.

"I'm sorry. " she says, her voice barely a whisper.

I'm shaking as I walk towards her again.

"You're sorry? "I whisper. "You say you're sorry? " I say now standing in front of her and my voice loud, ringing through the house. She didn't see my hand coming but even if she did I knew she wouldn't have moved away because she knew she deserved it.

"You stupid bitch!" I spit. "I will never forgive you for what you did to me."

"I didn't do anything to you Skylar. " she says holding a hand over her cheek.

"You didn't do anything for me either. And if you expect a thank you for what you did that night, it's never gonna happen. You just keep leaving. That's what you're good at."

My mother was standing at the bottom of the staircase looking through us. I know she was also mad at my sister but she was probably disappointed at how I'd handled the situation. Her eyes were dull as she turned around and walked back up the stairs. I walked past my sister, shoving her out of the way to get down the stairs and out the door.

"Welcome home." I said before pushing past her and slamming the door shut.

I desperately search for my car keys in my pockets and rush to my car. Katlyn's white BMW is parked in the driveway and Dray's black Range Rover is parked next to it, the boot open as he's slowly moving the more important boxes in by himself. He waves and then looks at me in confusion as I reverse out of the driveway. I'm reliving the night and the months that followed.
Katlyn left. She wrote a letter to me explaining why she left. Saying she couldn't deal with it. I couldn't fucking deal with it.

She left when I needed her. That in my mind was unforgivable.

I step on the gas and drive recklessly on the abandoned road.

Subconsciously I know exactly where I'm going and I don't have to drive far.

The tears sliding down my cheeks, sting. It was brutally cold and windy compared to the usual weather. My tears are hot in contrast to my cold cheeks. I pulled up to the beautifully renovated house.

It looked like a gigantic cottage and something out of a Disney fairytale. He had told me that the house was in a part of California in which used to have loads of boarding houses and so it took thousands of dollars and letters to the mayor for his parents to be able to renovate the house.

I felt sick and my breathing was heavy. I was comforted by the fact that his parents were out as I walked up the driveway. The first of the rain that the weather forecast had predicted was starting to fall. I barely noticed and only a little part of my head took this in. I wouldn't be able to stomach it if he rejected me. I felt like I was about to pass out- it happened often when I was thinking too muh

I knocked on the door and stood back on the porch. Continuous tears were flowing on my cheeks and I was finding it harder to breath.

"Shit, Skye?" He asks in disbelief.

"Kevin." I gasp. I'm starting to feel light headed and the panic attack was getting worse. "Kevin." I gasp again and he catches me just as my legs become too heavy underneath me.


"I've been passing out way too often lately." I grumble as I turn over and sit up. His hands are left wandering in mid air and I instantly wish I hadn't sat up. My head had been placed on his lap and he'd been gently stroking my hair.

"Are you okay?" He asks finally.

"Yes," I bite my quivering lip and quickly shake my head, pulling myself up. "No... Look Kev, I'm really sorry for coming here. I was upset and had nowhere else to go and I know this if further proof that I'm a selfish bitch and I should just go b-but," I stammer and my voice was going high pitched as I garbled on. Controlling the pitch of my voice, I continue "but I'm sorry. For everything and thank you for today. I don't know why I came."

"Skylar." Kevin calls in a firm voice. I'm standing up and desperately searching for my car keys. Finding them on the coffee table I straighten, ready to leave.

"Skylar!" he says again, standing and reaching for my arm, he's got a steel iron grip.

"Kevin, let me go." I sob and he drops my arm as if it's on fire. We stand staring at each other in silence, our breathing heavy before he turns to walk out of the room, slamming doors in his wake. I stand in the lounge, still shocked.

Slowly, I turn on my heel and walk out in the pouring rain, once again barely registering it. I take the longer way home and pass by the beach. Usually it's filled with tourists but the rain had made them escape to their separate hotels. Parking my car, I grab a shole from the backseat and tie the large black piece of material over my head and run out onto the boardwalk, feeling the wet sand underneath my feet as I go. I enter the small cafe Cinnamon. and find Jamie staring into space. She looks up when she hears the bell.

"Shit Skylar?" She echoes the words that Kevin had said a few hours ago.

"Jamie!" I wail, "everything's so fucked up."

She gets out from behind the counter and surveys the empty shop before ushering me into an empty booth.

"I'll be right back." she says before disappearing behind the counter again. She straightens and she's holding a black handbag, a plate filled with doughnuts and a mug. She brings the things over and throws off her apron before walking over to the door and putting the closed due to weather sign up.

"Your boss is gonna kill you." I say with a weary smile.

"Do you see her?" She asks with one raised, perfectly manicured eyebrow.

She walks back towards me and places the plate in front of me on the table and the mug of Coco in my hand.

She grabs her large handbag and sits cross legged behind me.

"So what happened?" She asks finally.

"Angela, Kevin, Damien, Devon, Katlyn, everything. What didn't happen?" I blurt,  a fresh wave of tears starting again. She hands me a wet wipe and says gently "You're a mess." I laugh and begin removing my make up.

She grabs a hair brush from her bag and starts coming my hair.

"Start from the beginning."

So I tell her everything and when I'm done she ties my hair into a ponytail and turns me around to begin reapplying my make up. She has a thoughtful look on her face as she says "You know sometimes, we hurt so badly that we just want absolutely everything to go away," she pauses and tells me to close my eyes as she does my mascara. "But we're not over the edge yet, so we look for all these reasons to get there so that we have a real reason or ten thousand really good reasons for when we need to cash them in."

"Don't cash them in Skylar. " She says finally giving me a tight hug and handing me her clear lip gloss.

"Thanks Jame." I whisper softly.

"Anytime babe." She smiles.

"Now go home, moron." she says giving my arm a tight squeeze. With one last look at the smal café, I turn around and leave.


By the time I reach home, my gray Ugg boots are soaked and my black leggings stick uncomfortably to my skin and my wet baseball jersey faces a similar conundrum. I open the door to my bedroom, get a towel and abandon my soggy clothing. Wrapping my towel around me, I walk to the bathroom and play around with the settings of the large shower. I click on Sauna and turn the heat up. I enter the shower and let the numbness wash over me.

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