The stars are different

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So I realised that they weren't too many Skyevin (my sister came up with the ship) moments and so I thought I'd put one in ;)

Song of the chapter: High for this- Ellie Goulding

Star gazing had become a habit of mine after Kevin and I happened. His love for consolations coupled with my love for photography had driven us to go on a camping trip during one summer day. We'd planned it out carefully and had set out on a day when it wasn't too blisteringly hot. We went to a camping sight in which there was a large clearing where every night, the stars looked their best and littered the sky in the most beautiful patterns. We stayed up for hours searching the myths surrounding the clearing even though neither of us believed in them.

"Stop!" I giggle and push Kevin away. His arms are wrapped around me and he's occasionally kissing my neck. It's distracting as we make our way through the large clearing, my camera hanging from my neck and a torch in my hand. He's using his phone light to make sure I don't trip even though my torch is on.

"I can't help it." He mumbles into my neck. I stop as the amazing jolt moves throughout my body.

"Kev!" I exclaim in a whisper as his hands move over my hips and he starts giving me a hickey on a neck.

"Mhh?" He asks, stopping from sucking on my neck for a second. I feel my bottom lip quiver and I melt in his arms. His phone was now back into his pocket and he was slowly dragging me onto the ground on top of him.

"Babe, it's uncomfortable." I say, trying again. He chuckles and holds me tightly against him, turning me around so that our lips are touching. When we're on the ground he starts removing my clothes, his strong hands moving in an all too familiar pattern over my body. The stargazing, long forgotten.


"You look beautiful." He whispers.

"You can't see me, Kev." I laugh.

"I know that your hair is filled with leaves and mud," He runs his hand through my mass of now frizzy curls "I know you have that glow you always have. And that cheeky smile," he continues whispering and his fingers are now delicately tracing my chapped lips "I know your lips are swollen and you look dazed."

He props himself up on one elbow and gazes at me in the dark.

I shiver when his electrifying eyes meet mine. He misinterprets it and begins to fumble for our clothes.

Once we're both dressed, he puts me in his gray hoodie. We gather all our belongings and begin walking up towards our cabin, which was so lavish it would be embarrassing to call what we were doing, camping. The intense moment we had just had was filling my mind and every given chance. We finally reached the cabin and as Kevin opened the door, he turned to look at me with a wicked grin "That was my first time." He said coyly referring to our moment earlier as we walked into the cabin. I rolled my eyes and hit his arm and he spluttered with laughter as he wrapped his arms around me again.

"That good, huh? You can't even believe it was my first time." He whispers. Our lips are almost barely touching and I stall the kiss, deliberately making him wait as I know how much he likes to be in control.

When our lips are almost touching, I pull away for him and without a word, turn around to walk to the room. He groans but follows me anyway.

"I thought you were more adventurous than that, Skye?" He chuckled slightly from behind me.

"Sorry, I'm a bit old fashioned but a bed seems to be the best option."

He mumbles something and when we enter the room, he spins me around to put his arms around me. I lead him to the bed and force him to lie down.

He pushes me down on top of him and we start kissing. He tugs on my bottom lip and I moan in pleasure, slowly getting lost in the passionate kiss. He uses the opportunity to pin me down on the bed so that he's on top of me. I know he's ten times stronger than me so all hopes of being in control flew out of my mind.

I fumble with his shirt for a minute before successfully removing it.

My eyes flutter open as I gaze in awe at the perfection of his toned muscle. I move one hand out of his hair where it had been running through his curls and traced his collarbone. He shivered in response and let out a small groan through our kiss, the sound sending vibrations of pleasure throughout my body.

I realised with a pang that this was more than a casual relationship and I needed to - no yearned to get out of it as fast as I could. The fact was unexplainable but completely and utterly true.


When Kevin and I ended our "casual relationship" I was more devastated than I could let on. But I was already on the road to self destruction and there wasn't any turning back.

"You're selfish Skylar." He snapped and I threw my head back with a laugh.

"What are you talking about Kev?" I slurred drunkenly.

"You're always either drunk or high and that doesn't seem like a problem to you? You dissappear out of my life for days and then come back to sleep with me when it suits you?" He yells.

I look at him darkly and then in a cold voice say "My best friend is upstairs sleeping, if you don't mind. Our relationship never seemed to bother you before and if you're implying that I use you," I spit angrily "then you're just as much to blame unless you're struggling to recall all those times we slept together." He throws his hands up and looka heavenward, groaning in frustration.

"You still don't get it." He says. "I don't use people, Skylar. You're too self absorbed to realise the shit you do to people, hurts." I flinch as he vaguely repeats the words I had shouted at Angela only days earlier.

"Leave." I say coldly, pointing in the general direction of the living room door.

"With pleasure." He retorts.

"Kevin!" I call immediately regretting my decision. "Don't leave." I say softly.

He stiffens at the sound of my voice.

"Give me one reason not to?" He asked, not daring to turn around.

"I don't wanna be alone." I whisper.

His muscles relax and then contract.

Finally he laughs harshly and spits "That's not good enough. Goodbye Skylar." 

I stand in shock, motionless. The only bodily function that seems to be in check is the one that can produce tears and that's of no use to me currently. Tears flow down my cheeks as I hear the door slam and moments later, Kevins car leave the driveway.

Not wanting to wake Angela with my noisy sobs, I walk to the bathroom, deciding a bath would take the edge of. I walk to my mom's bedroom and enter the adjoining en suite bathroom. I run myself a bubble bath with numerous of my mom's expensive bath products. I use expensive shower gels and powders, pouring in coconut flavoured, flower scented and a variety of Bath salts.

The tears are still streaming down my face and blurring my vision.

I strip down and enter the bathtub. The hot water burns my skin but I lie down anyway, putting my head underneath the water and closing my eyes tightly. The tears have stopped but I still have the overwhelming feeling of crying but I won't let it happen anymore. I'd wasted a large amount of my precious tears on that idiot. I wanted to do nothing but speak to my mother because I was experiencing my first broken heart and it hurt like hell.

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