Hi mom, I'm Skylar.

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Unedited and I found this chapter extremely difficult to write so please ignore any flaws or mistakes I made. Thank you ;)

Song of the chapter : Beyoncé - blue.

Kristen was the most eccentric person I had ever had the pleasure of knowing. Even as she was sick you could still see how magnificent she was. Despite what I'd thought she was fast recovering. She was vivacious but elegant. Thin but curvaceous, her personality contradicted itself in every way possible. She was a free spirit and her masses of brown hair suited her down to the last split end. I absolutely adored her and as much as I wanted to hate her I saw myself in her. She had my pouty lips and nose. She had the same habit of biting her bottom lip when deep in concentration. She had the same olive skin that tanned beautifully. Her hand was always running through her thick locks of hair, so similar to my own. She was me. And I hated everything that resembled. I hated the lies, the hurt.

I suppose I should explain. The first time I found out who Kristen was, I was distraught. The situation was beyond complicated and I only vaguely remember the day and conversations that were shared during it.

I gape at my mother and Katlyn's face of shock mirrors my own.

Dray looks worn out and concerned. He kept giving me worried glances as if I was too fragile to take in this kind of news.

"You knew? All this time?" Katlyn voices, her pitch increasing with every syllable.

"Katy, we wanted to tell you. It's just-"

"Oh, grow up, mother." She spits the word out. "And where is he in all of this? He's not man enough to come and tell his daughter that he's the biggest di-"

I cut her off, appreciative of her anger on my behalf but too hurt to let her continue.

"Did you plan on telling me, Amy?" I ask in a sweet voice.

"Skylar! " she says in disbelief.

"Why did you keep me, then? Pitty?" I ask tilting my head.

"Girls." Dray says in a grave voice. "This isn't your mothers fault."

"She isn't my mother, remember? Maybe I would still consider her my parent- just maybe if she had told me a few years ago. You know, before my real mother was possibly dying. Maybe I would still consider my father, a father if he hadn't done what he did. And now you decide to tell me? You decide to tell me, today, two months before my eighteenth birthday that the woman I've known to be my mother all my life isn't actually my mother. And you decided this on this fan-fucking-tastic day because my real mother is possibly on her death bed? So yes, this is your fault and I will never forgive you for that." I say coldly.

"You people are sick, you know that? I'm ashamed to call myself your daughter." Katlyn bites.

"This has nothing to do with you, Katlyn." My mother says sternly. She flips her off and stands up to leave.

"Don't you ever do that again!" My mother roars at her.

"Or what?" She taunts "are you gonna tell me I'm not yours? Or not dads? Who had the affair this time?" She turns her head so she's facing Dray "And you," She laughs bitterly. "You're probably just like him. You're probably gonna cheat on her and come home with a baby that's not hers."

Dray is wearing a mask of pity and how understanding he's being proves to piss me off further.

"I wanna meet her." I say finally.

My mom- Amy nods her head and tries to hold back tears.

"I forgive you." I whisper and her bottom lip quivers. Dray looks relieved but Katlyn throws me a look of disbelief.

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