Dealing With Fire

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A/n: And here's my first go!
You honestly had thought this exact situation would have gone better - way better... at least it did in your head. Maybe you just over exaggerated or under exaggerated. It wasn't quite clear at the moment.

Currently, you had sweat that dripped down the sides of your heated face and it pooled at the end of your chin. "I messed up..." You mumbled. "Real hard."

"You think?!"

Your e/c eyes snapped to the right and landed on the hero of the small town you lived in. And the so-called hero ended up being some kid! You don't even know how! Then again you don't really know how anything thing in this town is how it is.

"I mean, did you really think lighting a branch on fire and throwing it at the goblins would work?" The kid shouted. You fought to roll your eyes, but you lost that battle.

Earlier that night...

You had decided to take the more scenic route home... which also turned out to be the longer route as well and it took you along the edge of the forest. It was dark out and very few stars filled the night sky like the previous nights.

"Jeesh. This place needs to invest in some street lighting." You said, taking notice in the complete lack of lamp posts. You whipped out your phone from your bag and turned the flashlight on. That was much better, you thought.

You continued on with your long journey. You jumped here and there at some of the noises that came out of the forest, but thought nothing of it. You tried not to let your eyes wander over to forest, but you were so curious! For some odd reason... After all, it was just a forest - it wasn't special in any shape or form.

Suddenly, you phone beeped aggressively.

With your brows furrowed, you gazed down at your phone. "No, no, no. No! Not now!" You yelled.

You clutched your phone and shook it. The small white box that told you your phone was on twenty percent did not disappear like you wanted it to. How far could that twenty percent get you with the flashlight on? You didn't want to do the calculations.

"Welp. This is what I get for taking the long way home, huh?" The words came out harshly. You gripped your h/c hair before you let it go.

"'Y' is for yes."

You spun around so quick at the sound of what sounded like Siri's voice and held your hands up in defense. One hand was still wrapped around your phone, but now it guarded your face. And the other... well, let's just say now you had a finger gun.

"'K' is for kill." The voice echoed again.

"Whoever you are, person, you best stop! I'm, uh," You stared down at your hand. "Armed!"

A whole bunch of mumbo-jumbo came next. You may have not understood it, but that didn't make it any less terrifying.

"Look, I have like five dollars and some cents. That'll buy you, what? A candy bar or something?"

You stood in one spot and kept spinning in circles. Eventually, glowing eyeballs peeked out of the dark forest. That's normal, you tried to convince yourself, completely and utterly normal.

"You know what? Why don't I just keep walking? Just keep walking Y/n..." You had backed away from the edge of the forest slowly and just took a nice, long breather.

"'N' is for no." With that, little green things jumped out of the forest. Yes, green things that looked like some weird animal. One of them had a children's toy in it's hand... and what looked to be a mustache drawn on its face. Definitely not an animal.

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