Always Been Yours {Troll! Female! Reader/Gunmar}

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A/n: Well, I'm back! Yay! You know, more than a month later...

I'm really, really sorry. But I'm done with school now - at least until August because come August I start college. Any what, I graduate this Friday!!! I'm very exited and am super glad high school is done for in my life.

Now, onto the this! It is a Gunmar/Troll! Female! Reader as requested by someone. I'm super sorry! I forgot who requested this and basically every other request I got. And I'm too lazy to go through every single comment.

I hope you all enjoy this though!

 "And if there's a reason I'm still aliveWhen everyone who loves me has diedI'm willing to wait for it

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"And if there's a reason I'm still alive
When everyone who loves me has died
I'm willing to wait for it."

    Bular watched from the shadows, crouched to the floor

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Bular watched from the shadows, crouched to the floor. He could practically taste the minerals bundled together beneath him, he could feel them move as he shifted, and he could hear them grinding up against his own surface. The troll relished in the moment; however, he knew not to for very long. It was one of the few things he was taught.

A pair of glowing orbs followed their prey, watching for any indication of knowledge of his being there. There was none - at least from what Bular could tell.

Good, very good.

He wanted to pounce as soon as his prey passed, but he didn't. It would have been stupid of him to do so. One false move in that approach and he could've been caught out of the corner of the prey's eye. Bular didn't want that to happen.

Seconds ticked by and the dark heir already begun to grow impatient. His father rarely touched on patience in his training; therefore, Bular himself was rather careless with time... with waiting. It was irritating to be in his position, to have everything in slow motion whilst wanting nothing more than to take action.

A huff of air escaped through Bular's snout. And it was when his prey had paused in a split, almost unnoticeable second that the troll realized his mistake. It was then or never, Bular had decided before ripping himself from out of the shadows.

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