Pt. 2 Later

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A/n: Okay, so this I don't feel is going to be that good because I wrote it throughout different periods of time with different amounts of effort :(

But anyway, it's part 2 of Later! So this is a Krel x reader. There will be a third part, and I'll try to get that one done ASAP.

However, before part 3 of Later, I will be doing a Jim x reader because it was requested! So yay!
You stood patiently outside, leaning against Krel's locker. The school day had ended and you always made it outside before Krel - and his sister - ever did, so you waited for him each day.

It was a hot day, but a slight breeze danced by here and there - it cooled your heated skin. Your skin was not only hot from the actual heat, it was also hot from your thoughts running around. Just earlier that day, Krel had told you that you were going to be with him later because he wanted to tell you something.


Huh, that single word was still suck in your head. You kept thinking about 'later' and what it would entail for you. Quite frankly, you kept coming up with unrealistic scenarios where Krel took things a bit further in your relationship. It just didn't seem possible to you that the latino boy would like you in that way.

You didn't understand how he would like you - simply you. There wasn't anything wrong with! You just didn't have the confidence and securities that you oh-so often put out on display for everyone to see... The inside was a very different story. It always was.

Romance, relationships, the whole shebang! That wasn't you because you didn't know how to act or pursue one correctly. Don't get it wrong, you have been in a relationship before, but you went about it too quickly; therefore, you had pursued it incorrectly.

"Lively! Waiting for little brother as always."

Your e/c snapped over to a tall blonde who happened to be smiling brightly at you. "I'm waiting for you too, Aja."

"You are lying, yes?" Aja questioned as she opened the locker next to Krel's. The blonde shoved her books into the locker before slamming it shut. "Y/n is here for you, correct little brother? And not me?"

The latino boy rolled his eyes and said, "Stop it, Aja."

Krel came and stood in front of you, waiting for you to move off his locker. You smirked and planted your feet, crossing your arms over your chest - you had no intention of moving quite yet. You watched as a dark brow of Krel's raised in question right before his own smirk settled on his features.

"Yes, Krel?" You sweetly asked.

"I do believe that is my locker there," Krel pointed to the locker. "Behind you, Y/n."

You turned your head to inspect the latino boy's locker as if you hadn't known that it was his at all. "So it would seem..." Your head turned back and your eyes immediately locked with Krel's.

The air passed between the two of you thickley, but comfortably. It definitely wasn't unseen by any of those around you, but no one cared enough to say anything about the tension. You obviously didn't mind because you did not want to deal with any more embarrassment that day or any day following.

Your eyes twitched slightly, slowly searching Krel's own. There was something unnatural about the brown of his eyes - like they colour belonged, but at the same time it didn't.

A moment passed and Krel really had no idea what to do. He was a bit lost. Was he supposed to say something? Was he supposed to say silent? Did he need to move close? Move back? There wasn't any rules for this! Mother never told him the rules for this.

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