Clearly, Jimbo

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A/n: This was my first request from awhile back! It was a Jealous Jim x Reader.

I apologize if it isn't "jealous" enough and that it took so long to finally put this up! But I hope you like it nonetheless :)
You stared at Jim Lake from your locker. He wasn't doing anything special other than putting away his books, but he still managed to captivate you in a way no other boy could. There was just something about Jim... something exciting! You just knew it!

Jim and you had known each other for awhile. It wasn't a relationship that dated all the way back to second grade, but that didn't make it any less significant no matter how much Toby argued it was. A few months in, however, you began to realize that you felt something much deeper than friendship for the boy when another girl popped into the picture.

Claire Nuñez.

She was the one who made your blood boil. You didn't necessarily hate her. No, it wasn't anything like that. You just didn't like how Jim fawned over her and went on and on about her. You just wished that he would notice you... but alas, you didn't think that would happen unless Claire disappeared out of Arcadia for good.

"Hey, Y/n, are you ready for those laps today?"

You turned your head to the side and met the friendly face of Eli Pepperjack. Oh, how you loved that dear boy to death!

"I think I'd rather sit in Uhl's class for another hour, Eli." A laugh passed back and forth between you and Eli.

Taking a short moment, you shoved your spanish book into your locker before slamming the creaky thing shut. "Are you going to keep up with me this time?"

You could hear a nervous chuckle come from Eli. You mentally shook your head and smiled ever so slightly. Eli was never a big fan of gym, but he never complained about it like it was the worst thing possible that a few other students did. You and Eli rode in the same boat - you both disliked gym, but at least tried. And Coach Lawrence always praised the both of you for the effort... most of the time.

You leaned your body against the lockers behind you and hugged your arms around your body. A sudden shiver ran down your spine, so you instinctively looked over at where Jim was. His blue eyes met your e/c eyes in a heartbeat and you felt all the air in your lungs leave.

Jim didn't look away. You didn't look away.

Yet, is wasn't as happy as you originally thought. Jim's eyes were narrowed dangerously as he stared at you and a scowl was painted across his handsome features. Now that confused you. Why did Jim seem angry at you? You didn't do anything - nothing to your knowledge that is.

Your h/c brows furrowed together and you mouthed a silent "What?" to Jim. The only response you recieved was an eye roll before Jim shut his own locker and stomped off towards the gym.

Not only were you more confused, you felt an ache in your heart as well.

"I think Jim likes you."

"I'm sorry. What?" You blinked rapidly at Eli's random comment. "For a second it sounded like you said that Jim likes me."

Eli's face dead-panned and he looked at you as if you were stupid. Were you that oblivious as to have not noticed Jim's feeling for you? It would appear to be that way. It was rather hard to differentiate between Jim's constant mood changes... And why would he go on about Claire if he liked you? That didn't make sense.

You removed your arms from around your body and pushed yourself off the lockers. "Jim doesn't like me, Eli. He likes Claire."

"But, but he just glared at me! Why would Jim glare at me for no reason?"

"Maybe he glared at you because you're friends with Steve now."

Eli's mouth opened up to retort, but he quickly shut it. You were right. Jim probably glared at him because he was friends Steve - a fellow creepslayer. Then again, weren't Jim and Steve fine with each other now? Or did Eli miss something completely.

"Let's just head to gym now. You may be buddy-buddy with Steve, but that doesn't mean Coach Lawrence isn't going to cut you any slack." You walked off, away from the lockers with Eli following closely behind you.

It was a semi silent trip towards the gym. Neither Eli or you spoke very much on the way, not seeing a real reason to. Upon entering the gym, the two of you split off and headed towards the designated locker rooms.

You changed rather quickly into the special gym shorts, shoes, and shirt before exiting and meeting back up with Eli outside the locker room. Many of the other students stood around, conversing - some sat alone.

Off in one of the gym corners sat Jim and Toby on the bleachers talking about the h/c haired Y/n.

"Why don't you just talk to Y/n, Jimbo?"

"It isn't that easy, Tobs."

In all truth, it was that easy. However, Jim wouldn't tell Toby that.

"And Y/n seems to be more interested in Eli than me." Jim spat harshly. He took a quick moment to steal a glance at you and Eli talking to one another on the other side of the gym.

Jim didn't like how you laughed at whatever Eli was saying at the moment, and he definitely didn't like the fact that your hand was rested on Eli's shoulder. But he wouldn't make an argument about how good you looked when you were laughing.

He just loved the way your lips twitched up and tightened into a huge smile just before that first laugh escaped your mouth. That single, first laugh was always the warmest to Jim... not that all the following laughter was cold - no, they were all warm to him. The first was just simply the best.

"I mean, look at them." Jim continued to stare. "Laughing and all their touching. How, Toby, is Eli even better than me?! He's way shorter than Y/n... and... and not that that matters, but still!"

Toby looked at his best friend. "You're jealous, Jimbo."


Toby nodded.

"I'm not jealous." Jim lied more to himself than anything.

The trollhunter stared at Eli and you for a second longer before finally removing his gaze. He didn't - couldn't stare any longer. It hurt too much to see how happy you were with Eli... How happy you were with someone who wasn't him!

"If you aren't jealous... then I guess you wouldn't care if I told you Y/n said they were in love with Steve?"

Immediately, Jim froze.

In love with... Steve? Steve Palchuk? The guy who tortured Jim for so many years? Eli was someone Jim could understand more, but Steve was a whole other ball game to comprehend. I mean how could Y/n be in love with Steve? Surely you would've told Jim how you felt something for that guy - you know, to make sure it was okay?

Then again, you didn't need Jim's approval to date someone. And he'd rather you not share your feeling for other people with him.

Jim took a deep breath and shook his head. "That's great, Tobs... I'm glad for Y/n."

If you were happy, then Jim needed to suck it up and be happy for you. He couldn't sit around and throw a pity party for himself because his Y/n was in love with someone else.

His Y/n.

That had a funny sound to it. A funny, but comforting sound. Like, it just belonged - that is was too right of a sound.

"As long as they don't make out in front of me, or any other PDA option, I'm good!"

Toby didn't have to be some genius or have perfect vision to see that Jim was ultimately heart broken at his little white lie.

"Y/n never said that." Toby admitted. "I was just trying to prove a point that you're jealous..."

"I told you, I'm not jealous."

"Clearly, Jimbo."
A/n: Welp, there it was! Also, I am working on the other requests that were made! Sorry if it takes awhile to have them published.

Thank you guys ;)

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