Don't You Understand {Dictatious/Reader}

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A/n: So this one is definitely shorter than the last three chapters, but that's because I kind of rushed it because I'm going to be in a Cabin for the next four or five days. I didn't really want any of you waiting that long for an update.

This chapter is Dictatious/Reader, I suppose. It's just not heavily touched on, like at all.

"You got your hands in your pocketAnd you pull out your wallet with you two cents for every one'Cause you're unto me, you're unto me, I know

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"You got your hands in your pocket
And you pull out your wallet with you two cents for every one
'Cause you're unto me, you're unto me, I know."

    "What do you mean he's alive, Blinky?" The words came off strong but shaky, uncertainty lying beneath the surface of them waiting to be exposed

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"What do you mean he's alive, Blinky?" The words came off strong but shaky, uncertainty lying beneath the surface of them waiting to be exposed.

"I mean exactly what I said," The four-armed troll said. "My brother is alive and quite well... For the most part. I did blind that treacherous scum whilst in the Darklands! But that is besides the point, of course. The point is that Dictatious is very much alive."

"That's impossible. He died."

Blinky sighed. Two of his arms rubbed the temples of his head whilst the other two were folded on the table in which he sat at. He hadn't the slightest idea of how to engrave the fact that his brother was indeed not dead, but alive into that thick skull of yours. You were as stubborn as they came, so it was proving to be quite the challenge.

"I watched him. You do understand that, right?" You continued on. "Dictatious died and I watched him die because I couldn't do anything. There just isn't any way for him to be alive! Now, Blinky, I think it's time for you to drop the act and cut the cruel joke. It isn't funny."

"I am not trying to be funny, as you so put it, Y/n! I am telling you the truth!"

Six eyes held irritation in them and were met with two eyes of disbelief. Irritation versus disbelief - who would win such a fight? The blue troll could only hope that his obvious irritation seemed more like fury to you, perhaps then you would believe his words.

A scoff resounded round the room. "Telling the truth? You are doing nothing of the sort. All you are doing is feeding me lies, and I will have none of it."

The legs of the chair scraped and screeched against the floor as you flung your body away from the table to stand. Lies, lies, lies. It was the only thing you had heard that day and you were exhausted from it. You didn't want to be lied to, especially not about another's life. That was something you had experienced far too much in your past life - the lies, that is.

So for Blinky to be spouting out nonsense of how his brother was alive was preposterous! The troll you called family knew how Dictatious's death had affected you, how it still affected you. It was as though Blinky had a death wish for bringing up such a topic then turning it into a sort of joke all for his own amusement. Let's just say, if the precious four-armed troll didn't proceed to stop, he would come to meet the end of your blade.

"Y/n, Master Jim and Aaarrrgghh saw Dictious with their own eyes! Does that not account for anything?" Blinky questioned.

You froze before you could make your hasty exit. Did you hear that right? The trollhunter and the Krubera saw the deceased troll? It didn't make any sense to you.

"You are now just telling me this?" You hissed, back towards the other.

"Well, I did not think to mention it earlier because I thought you would have believed me in the first place."

Spinning viciously around, you locked eyes with Blinky once more. Your gaze snapped every which way in search of any deceit in his words - something you should have done in the beginning. Deceit was not what you had found both in Blinky's words and on his face, instead you found distress.

Distress. From lying and talking about his brother? Or, just maybe, was the distress caused by you and your stubbornness? You had no clue why Blinky was distressed, but you would come to question him later about it.

"But seeing as you aren't believing a word I am saying, then I will have to suggest that you ask Master Jim and Aaarrrgghh about my brother being alive." Blinky watched you carefully and prepared himself for the worse.

The worse, of course, being the possibility of excruciating pain and death.

Your mouth fell open, "Dictatious is dead."

For the love of - why did you have to be so difficult? Why did you have to make it so frustrating for Blinky? All you needed to do was actually hear what is was he was saying and just trust him! You trusted him with everything else in its entirety. So, why not this?

"That is all you have been saying."

"And all you have been saying is that Dictatious is alive."

The two trolls starred one another down, but to no avail did either break at the whim. The surrounding air was thick with tension and buzzing with energy. Neither knew how to proceed with the conversation without it reverting back to its first steps and looping statements.

"My brother faked his death," Blinky stood from the table. "All so he could work for Gunmar and his Gumm-gumm army, Y/n."

"He wouldn't do that."

To you, Dictatious would never work for that monstrous troll. You knew the very reality and horrors of the Gumm-gumm lord - you knew them very well and on a personal level. And you told every single small detail of it all to Dictatious.

Once, long ago, you were a general amongst his armies. A fierce warrior. Someone that Gunmar trusted. A murderer...

It was a life you left behind, though. You came to see that Gunmar was an idiot in himself and you no longer wished to serve him. So, you abandoned the dark underlord in the time he most required your presence.

"He knew what Gunmar did, what he was," You explained. "Dictatious would not betray us knowing all I told him."

"I understand that you love - loved Dictatious, Y/n, but he's alive and with Gunmar."

You took notice of how Blinky changed the word 'love' to 'loved' as though you no longer harboured deep feelings for his brother.

"I'll believe it when I see it."

A/n: Like I said, this one was short and a bit rushed

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A/n: Like I said, this one was short and a bit rushed. But I hope you guys still enjoyed it!

As always, I apologize for any mistakes, errors, OOCNESS, etc.

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