Author's Note (again)

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It has hit 3k and I am just shocked. In a good way of course! This was just at 2k like, what? a week ago?! It's just amazing to me. Honestly, I don't know how to process this!

Anyway, like I said in the previous A/n that was celebrating 2k reads, I thank you all! With out you lot there would be no "me" or this Trollhunters Imagines!

I promise to update soon. I get back from my travels tomorrow and don't start school back up until Tuesday (?), I believe. This gives me a few days to get back into writing! So yay!

And I got Netflix back! I CAN FINALLY WATCH 3Below and be caught up! I can watch Trollhunters again, get more inspiration, and whatnot.

Thank you all again so much! Update will be soon. Keep sending in requests if you have any.

Have a blessed day! Also, I am terribly sorry that this is not an imagine update and just another author's note :(

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