Shoo shoo

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A/n: Yikes, it's been a few long months since I've updated. And I apologize dearly! I've just been overwhelmed with school work lately, and haven't really had any inspiration as of late.

But I managed to put together this Draal x reader! This was a request from several people, but I can't remember if there was any specifics to it... because I forgot to look at the requests.

I hope you enjoy though :)
    Was this serious? I mean, were you, Y/n,  falling for this guy? Well, he wasn't a guy... more like a troll... And that just made it worse for you to accept it.

    He didn't even like humans - or you in general. For some odd reason he just went out of his way to make a rude comment about you everytime the two of you were in each others presence... and vice versa.

    It was always 'fleshbag' this and 'fleshbag' that with him. Then for you it was always 'bag of rocks' this and 'bag of rocks' that. The two of you just simply couldn't get along.

    It wasn't your fault. No, you blamed the entire situation on the troll himself - Draal. He was the one who started it in the first place. All you did was stand up for Jim the first time you guys met! What was so wrong about protecting your friends? Absolutely nothing.

    "Fleshbag, why are you still here?"

    You let out a loud groan in annoyment and slammed down your head on the table which resulted in a thud.

    "Go away." Your voice was muffled by the table.

    Draal eyed you up and down. He was confused as to why you were still in Jim's house at this time of night. The Lady Barbara was at work and Jim had left to go to Toby's a bit ago... so, why were you still here? You had no point of being there.

    You heard the troll walk behind you, then heard the sound of the fridge opening. "And get out of Ms. Lake's food, you bag of rocks!"

    "I'm sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you behind that slab of wood." Draal rolled his eyes. You didn't live here; therefore, you could not tell him what he can or cannot do. Plus, Jim said he could eat whatever he'd like... as long as it wasn't cats or the kitchen utensils.

    Lifting your head from off the table, you glared at the troll's back. "I said get out of Ms. Lake's food!"
    Draal pretended not to hear you once again. He was hungry. He wanted food. He didn't want to hear you complain. Your voice didn't exactly sooth him when you screeched or yelled at him.

    "Are you - Are you ignoring me?" You laughed in disbelief.

    Draal never ignored you - never! He always had something to say back. "What no comment? No insult? Just silence?"

    ... And he said nothing. This ticked you off just a bit.

    A smirk played beautifully on Draal's lips (?) as he looked in the almost empty fridge. What happened to the all the food? It was almost like a cemetery - maybe the remains of a battle - had moved into the refrigerator rather than actual food.

    Draal shut the fridge door - he made sure not to use all his strength to slam it. "Where's the food?"

    "You probably ate it all. Seeing as that is all you do."

    "Very funny, fleshbag."

    You shrugged your shoulders and stood up from your seat, walking out of the kitchen. The sound of heavy thuds - belonging to Draal - followed after you. "Where are you going?"

    "You're asking a lot of 'where' questions today," You hummed. "Feeling lost, Draal?"

    In all honesty, Draal did feel a bit lost. He had for a whilst now. Yet, and as cheesy as it is, he did not feel lost when you were around. Something about you just gave him a sense of direction, a sense of... belonging? Is that what he could say? If that wasn't the word, he'll just think of the right one later.


    You suddenly came to a stop, which Draal noticed last second. He managed to stop before crashing into the back of you, but he was still very close to you.

    Your hair smelled nice. That was the first thing he noticed. It smelt of... something (fruity/flowery or simple)... The smell was not strong - to a human at least, but because Draal was a troll, his sense of smell was much stronger.

    He liked it. The smell, that is.

    "What smell?" You turned around completely to gaze at the troll.

    Draal immediately stared down at you, confused. "What are you talking about?"

    You looked back and forth, making sure no one was hiding in the shadows of the room. You crossed your arms over your chest, and tilted your head up to meet Draal's gaze. "You just said that you 'liked the smell'. I was asking what smell you were talking about?"

    He said that out loud? Oops. "I never said that. You must be hearing things, fleshbag."

    "Right. Whatever you say, bag of rocks." You uncrossed your arms so you could open the door that lead down to the basement - which you did. You gestered dramatically towards the doorway. "I believe that this is your stop. So, off you go. Shoo, shoo."

    Draal made no move to leave. "Perhaps it is you that should 'Shoo, shoo'. This is not your dwelling."

    "Ms. Lake said I could stay here as long as I want!" You replied hotly. "She doesn't even know about you, and Jim does not make payments on this house - that's for sure - so he does not get a say. So, really, you're kind of trespassing here."

    "Last I checked, you did not make," Draal paused, and thought for a second back to the word you used. "Payments to live here either."

    You groaned, and ran a hand through your h/c locks in annoyment. "Yes, but I have permission from Ms. Lake. You know, that thing you don't have."

    Draal only raised a brow ridge at you. When he didn't respond, you opened your mouth and motioned to the open door once again. "Can you just go?"

    "Why do I need to leave?"

    "Because I'm leaving."

    "And why are you leaving?"

    "Does it matter?"

    Draal supposed it didn't really matter. You were a grown human - an adult - and had things to do. But he didn't understand why you had to leave so early. Draal just got upstairs! To rummage through the fridge, he'd admit, and not to talk to you... but still! Draal and you made for good conversation. At least he thought so.

    "When will you be back?"

    You paused, somewhat taken aback by the simple question.

"When will I be... back?" You repeated slowly. Draal gave a short nod in conformation. You looked down at the floor and thought about your time schedule. "Uh, sometime after three tomorrow? I think. Unless my manager holds me after my shift. Times are real dodgy with him."

Draal grunted and huffed. That would be good enough. Lady Barbara would be at work and Jim would just be getting out of school.

"I will 'Shoo, shoo' now."

"Good boy!" You reached up and softly tugged on his nose ring. Draal yanked his head back and growled lowly at you. Unphased, you smiled and stepped out of the way. "Go on. Have a good evening now!"

"You do not need to rush me." Draal spat, but with no real harshness as he squeezed through the doorway.

You eyes trailed after Draal as he walked down the stairs. "If I didn't, we'd be stuck here the rest of the day."

Draal twisted his head back to you, and opened his mouth to speak.


But you shut the door before he could.

All well, he'll just have to pick up where the two of you left off tomorrow when you come back. And we was definitely waiting for today to be over so he could see you again quicker.
A/n: It wasn't that great, but I hope it was good enough!

Sorry for any typos made, or errors/mistakes.

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