Attachments {Tronos Madu/Human!Reader}

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A/n: I'm just going to apologize now if Tronos Madu is very, or even a little, OOC. Sadly, I've only come two watch season 2 of 3Below twice, but even then content for Tronos is so very limited. I tried my best, and to be honest I think I lost where I was going with this chapter like mid-way through.

Nonetheless, I hope you all enjoy!

"You know I, I'm afraid of changeGuess that's why we stay the same

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"You know I, I'm afraid of change
Guess that's why we stay the same."

    What a turn of events this all turned out to be

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    What a turn of events this all turned out to be. It wasn't the first turn of events to have happened in your life, and it wasn't even the biggest one, but it was all still so... so... Ah. Well, you couldn't think of the word you needed, but you knew what you meant. As long as you didn't have to explain it to someone else, you'd be in the green zone.

    Truthfully, this not being your first rodeo, you at least knew what to expect for the most part. Hopefully. Probably not now that you really thought about it. The first rodeo only lasted a mere seconds and ended in tragedy; therefore, it never got the chance to be played out. This rodeo, the one you were currently experiencing, was only on day eleven. Definitely longer than that first one, but your 'I know what to expect' attitude was wearing off rather quickly.

    Come on, Y/n! Being the honorary trollhunter you were, you should be prepared for anything and everything! And that meant being two steps ahead, not three giant leaps behind. How were you supposed to protect Arcadia and all the beings in it if you didn't even know what would happen next? Maybe you were just overthinking. Maybe you didn't need to be two steps ahead. Maybe you could avoid being three leaps behind, and instead, be insync. Yeah, yeah, that could work.

    "You think too loud."

    A hand flew to your chest in hopes to catch the heart that may have literally jumped out of your ribcage at hearing the unexpected voice. Unexpected, great. Might as well mark yourself at four leaps behind now, you thought. Trying to regulate your heart rate back to normal, you took slow and heavy breaths. It burned a little, you'd admit, but it helped the uncomfortable beating against your ribs settle down.

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