Pt. 2 Blinky Didn't Mean To

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A/n: Two chapters posted in the span of a few hours apart! I feel accomplished! I actually sat down and wrote another one! It took a bit of time because I got side tracked on discord... but I still got it finished!

Anyhow, this is Part 2 of Blinky Didn't Mean To! Requested by a few folks :)

I do hope you all enjoy it! And I apologize for any typos, errors, mistakes, etc.
    You had just arrived at troll market! A trip you were somewhat dreading. After the events of yesterday kept replaying in your head, you didn't really want to go back to troll market to see Blinky.

    It's not that you didn't want to see him - no, because you always wanted to see Blinky. It was just that you didn't want to be ignored... forgotten, actually, again by the blue troll. It happened a lot, and you were beginning to grow weary of it.

    In fact, you happened to have an argument with yourself all night about it! Half of you wanted to mention Blinky's behavior to him, but the other half insisted that that would ruin your relationship with him - the little relationship you had left, at least. And that little bit you wanted to hole precious and dear to you.

    Why couldn't this be easier? Why couldn't you be more confrontational and assertive? I mean, if you were you could march right up to Blinky and... and... Do what exactly? You didn't want to yell at him or make him feel bad for ignoring you.

    Okay! Maybe you did want to make him feel bad. But just a little bit - nothing major! You didn't want Blinky to be swimming in guilt, but rather tip-toeing in it. Then again, if you made him feel bad that would just make you feel worse.

    "Why is this so complicated?!" You lowly hissed to yourself.

    "What is it that is complicated? Something at work, Y/n?"

You whipped around at the familiar, soothing voice. Your e/c eyes immediately fell onto Blinky's blue surface. It looked a bit... dull? today. How you even noticed the difference in his rocky skin was beyond you, but you noticed and there was nothing you could do.

Blinky grew uncomfortable under your strange gaze. Any other time you would've stared at him, he would have been fine - extremely pleased even! But the way your brow was furrowed and the way you were gnawing on your lip whilst looking at him just didn't settle quite right with Blinky. Simply put, it made him feel off.

"Ah, Y/n, are you alright?" Blinky questioned.

With a sudden realization that you had zoned out, you shook your head and let your lip fall from between your teeth. You finally met the two of the six eyes belonging to the troll and said, "Sorry. It's been a bit of a havoc morning for me."

"I see," Blink paused briefly. "Did something happen at your place of work?"

"No, no. Nothing happened at work." You replied. Your hands nervously fumbled together and your gaze dropped from Blinky's. It was now or you would never ask. "Is it okay if we go to your place and talk, Blinky?"

Blinky barely heard the question fall from you lips, but he heard it nonetheless.

You wanted to talk? About what? Blink didn't think he did anything wrong... Perhaps he insulted Y/n somehow by doing something trolls do normally that humans do not. Or maybe you were going to tell him that you were moving out of Arcadia - deeming it to dangerous to live now that Gunmar has escaped. Or you were going to tell him that you wanted nothing to do with him! Or, or --

The scenarios were running endlessly through Blinky's mind. He began to panic as each possibility got potentially worse, but managed to keep himself composed on the outward appearance.

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