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A/n: Sorry that this took so long to update an actual chapter! Also, should I start including the whoever the character is x reader in the title? You know, instead of just a title.

This is a Krel x reader, as requested by two folks :)

Sorry if there is any OOCness in anyone, especially Krel. And I'm sorry if I got his speech pattern wrong...

I apologize for any typos, mistakes, etc.
    You stared at the board in front of the classroom, but you weren't paying attention to any of the numbers being written there. You were bored. You already knew what you were doing in math seeing as Ms. Janeth went over this unit last week - you weren't about to call her out on that, though.

    Your cheek rested in the palm of your hand and your eyelids started to droop. The words leaving Ms. Janeth's mouth stopped completely rather than coming out blurred. You weren't tired! You found it near impossible to fall asleep in class... but the boredom was getting to you and you found it hard to look at the board any longer.

    Suddenly, something soft-ish collided with your free cheek. You jumped a little in your seat and your e/c went wide. You swirled your head back and forth slowly - as to not draw Ms. Janeth's attention to you.


    You snapped your gaze over to the latino boy sitting in the desk next to you. He was staring at you with a wide grin plastered on his face. You mouthed a simple 'What?' in question.

    The latino boy's brown eyes snapped down multiple times towards the floor. You sat in your desk, confused at what he was doing.

    Not that this confusing behavior surprised you. The latino boy was always confusing, only making sense on rare occasions. He was still a friend of yours though, so you never really vocally complained about it. At least not in front of anyone other than the latino boy himself.

    "Mr. Tarron! (Mr./Ms.) L/n!" Ms. Janeth screeched, halting right in the middle of her lesson.

    The two of you whipped your attention back to the front of the classroom, and more specifically on Ms. Janeth. The woman looked quite furious and seemed to be a bit red in the face - likely out of anger or annoyment. "Would the two of you like to stop longingly gazing into each other's eyes and resume the class?" A few snickers and murmurs echoed around you.

    "I was not doing the gazing at Y/n, Miss Janeth! I was only trying to tell them something of importance, yes?"

    "And what would be so important as for you to interrupt my class, Mr. Tarron?"

    A silent groan escaped between your lips, and you sunk down in your seat - you wanted to hide away forever. Krel  continuing to talk was only going to make the situation worse for both of you and you did not want to spend your evening stuck in detention.

    Krel noticed how you shrunk away, and mentally smirked. "I just wanted to tell Y/n that their smile is," Krel paused to think of the word these people used. "Beautiful!"

    Your eyes wide once more, you stared at the latino boy. Beautiful? Did he really just call your smile beautiful? In front of the entire classroom at that! Ugh! This was just your day, huh.

    The class uproared in laughter and Krel didn't understand why. Perhaps he used the wrong word and actually insulted you. If he did, hopefully you understood that that wasn't exactly what he was trying to say.

    He really did mean to call your smile beautiful; however, in that moment, he was just saying it to try and further your embarrassment. Krel liked it when your face screwed up and your e/c eyes looked anywhere but up. He also thought it was quite funny when you tried to shrink away, making yourself smaller to everyone and everything.

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