For Draal

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A/n: This one is really short because I just wrote it in a spur of the moment. And it's not all that great. But hopefully you all like it!

You can take this one as a Draal x reader, if you squint. I don't really know.
You stared out in the vast, empty air - it was the only thing you could focus on. That and you didn't want to put your attention on anything else. If you did, you were afraid of the consequences that would come from it.

Soft echoes rang in your ears. It was most likely Blinky or one of the others talking... or maybe it was just your conflicted mind buzzing. Which ever it was, you did not want to hear it. You just wanted complete and utter silence.

You kept thinking back to the events that led up to this, and what you could've done to stop it. There wasn't anything you could have done, you knew that, but you wanted to believe you could. It would help with the guilt.

Actually, it only made the guilt manifest quicker.

Why didn't you do anything? Why did you just sit there? Why did you just watch whilst it happened? Did you want it to happen? You did, didn't you?

Those type of questions circulated through your mind. They attacked silently and unnoticabley. You just thought they were normal things that helped with the guilt - I mean, how wrong could you be? Other than the fact that you were very wrong.

"Y/n, are you..." You snapped your gaze over to the young boy, Jim, waiting for him to continue.

He didn't continue though. Instead, he just looked at you. Jim wanted to ask how you were doing, but he knew you would've lied and said you were fine. Plus, he couldn't really bring himself to finish the question. Guilt had constricted around his heart and tugged on his tongue.

If you thought you were alone, swimming in that ocean of guilt and questions... well, you weren't. Jim happened to be drowning not too far out from you.

Your chapped lips parted, "I'm okay."

There it was. One of the most popular lies in all of history.

"No, you're not."

Guilt ridden e/c eyes met the sad ones belonging to the young trollhunter. You felt the pressure build up just about every on your body. Your heart happened to pick up a rapid, irregular pace and your lungs seemed to collapse on top of themselves. The brain fared no better - it was growing and pounding against your skull. Every other part of you just ached from the pressure, slowly becoming numb as the pain got worse.

You wanted to tear your gaze from Jim's, but you couldn't find the strength to do so. Somehow, you found a sort of comfort and understanding hidden within his own gaze - it brought you a small sense of relief.

"You don't have to talk about it right now," Jim tilted his head slightly. "But when you're ready, just know that you can talk to me."

"Thank you." You voice was barely audible.

Jim could tell you meant it. That you weren't just saying 'thank you' to get him to stop talking. "Also, I think he'd rather have you smiling right now. You know? Because he always did say he liked your smile."

Jim managed to get a small, sad huff of laughter out of you. "Yeah, he did."

"Smile then. For him."

With the gentle demand, you offered Jim a smile - a weak smile, but a smile nonetheless. There was pain behind your grin, and guilt, and every other feeling you were feeling, but it let Jim know that you were still there.

"For Draal." You said.

"For Draal."
A/n: And there it is!

Anyway, keep the requests coming in if you have any!

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