Author's Note

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Wow! I am seriously frazzled (?) right now!!! Like, I cannot believe this has hit 2k reads. I honestly thought my Trollhunters Imagines would not have gotten so many reads. And the fact that it did is just amazing!

The reads had nothing to do with me, they had everything to do with you lot - the readers! I am just so thankful for every single one of you, and I am so glad to have readers such as yourselves! You guys have no idea how much you lot mean to me.

To me, it's not the author that drives their works to success, it's their audience - their readers. So thank you all so much.

I hope you have enjoyed the Christmas holiday! If you don't celebrate, then I just wish that you've had a wonderful time.

Unfortunately, I will be unable to update until the new year. I am currently busy with traveling, and will have little to no access to my computer. And yes, I know I can write on my phone but it is just way too difficult for me to concentrate when I do that. So, with that being said, I wish you all a happy new year!

The lot of you can always contact me on here by either commenting or shooting me a DM/PM (whatever you like to call it). But you can also contact me on Discord if you'd like! You totally don't have to. And I know not many people have a Discord, but the option is still there. So, if you would like my Discord just comment or DM/PM for it!

Anyway, thank you all again so much! I will release another imagine thingy as soon as I can in January! Have a blessed rest of the year, and all the years to follow :)

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