Fall From Power {Changeling!Reader}

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A/N: Sorry that it took so long, but it's just been a struggle finding time to write or really do anything. I started this chapter like a month ago and just now finished! It's not all that great because I rushed the ending.

If you guys can, could you please check out my short piece called Supplication. It's just one chapter, it's completed, and it's basically just a poem (?). Maybe not a poem, but that's what I put it under!

"You were always second guessing yourselfBut you never felt your way outYou were begging for a second chance to go back and do it over again

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"You were always second guessing yourself
But you never felt your way out
You were begging for a second chance to go back and do it over again."

The bottom of your shoes clicked satisfyingly as the met the tile floor with each step you took

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The bottom of your shoes clicked satisfyingly as the met the tile floor with each step you took. Each sound that echoed seemed to be planned out, each sound seemed to have complimented the rhythmatic clicks. Not once did you skip a beat.

    Unfamiliar faces passed as you walked by, none of which proved to be of any interest to you. Those that you managed to glide past took but a moment to latch onto you. They never saw you around before; therefore, you were new. What they couldn't tell was whether you were an incoming student or not.

    Were you a student? You looked young enough to be one. The way you dressed though made you look more mature than any high school student attending Arcadia Oaks High. Electric e/c were hidden behind a dark blockade, so they couldn't exactly tell how old you were that way. After all, it was a rumour that the eyes reveal your true age. Or was it something to do with the soul?

    It didn't matter what it actually said and meant because the students would never guess your age that way. Simply, their question would just have to be left unanswered and hopefully forgotten at some point.

    Eventually you came across your destination - a door that read:


    You raised a fist to the door to knock, but thought against it after hearing a pair of muffled voices from inside the room. Unconsciously, you pressed your ear closer to the door trying to hear better and perhaps understand what was being said. You still couldn't make out most of the words; however, you came to find the identity each voice belonged to.

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