Blinky Didn't Mean To

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A/n: Another imagine! Yay!

This one I'm a bit indifferent on... I don't know if I like it or not.
    Blinky didn't know how he came to feel the way he did towards you. Never in his life would he have imagined this! A troll he could have understood, but a human?! That was down right preposterous!

    He never meant to melt at the warmth of your smile. He never meant to stare when you were oblivious to him. He never meant for his stone surface to heat every time you did catch him looking or for his heart to skip its beat. He really never meant to sniff your beautiful h/c hair whenever the two of you were close. He never meant  to "accidentally" brush one of his hands against your hand here and there.

    He never meant to do any of those things! But he just couldn't help himself...

    "Hey, Blinky, are you alright?"

    All six of Blinky's eyes snapped over to your form. You were sitting down at one of Blinky's many desks, hunched over an old book written by his brother with an odd look on your face as you gazed at him.

    "Yes, I am quite fine." He replied a bit too quickly for his liking. "Why in Heaven's sake wouldn't I be, Y/n?"

    You tilted your head and said, "You just seem distracted as of late."

    You had noticed the troll's odd behavior a few months ago. When you had first met him he had talked to you just about every time you graced him with your presence and he would actually stand next you... but now he was distant. He didn't talk to you anymore, he tried to keep away from you as far as he could, and he'd just stare at you.

    It hurt you a lot more than you liked. You didn't ever think it would actually hurt for Blinky to distance himself from you, but it did and that was reality. You missed him, though you would never admit it out loud and you would certainly never let Blinky find out.

    "Ah, yes, well..." Blinky paused.

The troll didn't know how to respond. He didn't want to tell you truth, but he didn't want to lie to you either. So, he let the first thing that came to mind slip out of his mouth.


You physically jumped in your seat at the sudden loud exclamation from Blinky. Your e/c eyes widened and your grip tightened on the book in your hands. The troll then realized that he had all but yelled at you and mentally winced at his mistake.

"Jim." Blinky repeated much more calmly. "He's just been very stressed lately, and I am worried about his health. I mean, with Gunmar escaping the darklands and all this homework he's been given - not to mention the late night goblin hunting! Master Jim just doesn't seem to be in his best..."

It wasn't a complete lie. Blinky was concerned with the trollhunter's well-being.

"Why not give Jim a day off from training then?" You suggested.

"Give Master Jim a day off? I -"

"Look," You cut the blue troll off. "I know Gunmar is back and everything. And that it is kind of crucial for Jim to keep up on his training in order to defeat the guy. But, I mean, is one single day of missing training really going to do anything? Toby and Claire skip out all the time... And I do too."

Blinky had to admit that you were correct to a certain degree. You, Toby, and Claire trained very little compared to the trollhunter, but in battle you all seemed to be at the top of your game. Yet, if Jim wanted to defeat the monster of troll-kind...

Blasted! Blinky couldn't decide if he should let Jim have a day off or not.

"Not to mention you never train! But you're completely amazing out there doing whatever it is you do!" That comment grabbed the full attention of the troll because now your gazes were locked.

Amazing? Did you really think that Blinkous Galadrigal was amazing? Blinky didn't process any of the other words that fell out of your mouth after that - he was to busy wrapping his head around how you called him amazing.

You noticed. You could tell that Blinky had stopped listening, so you just stopped talking all together. You shut the book closed that was in front of you and stood up from your seat.  His gaze might have been locked with yours, but it certainly didn't stay that way. You moved over to a bookshelf and set the book there before you turned back around to look at the troll.

Blinky hadn't moved an inch. He seemed to be caught up in his own thoughts, ones of which seemed to be more important than what you had been saying.

You let out a pained sigh and ran your fingers through your h/c hair. "Just think about letting Jim have a day off. Okay, Blinky?"

Once more, your own voice pulled Blinky back to the real world.

"Of course I'll thin-" Blinky cut himself off when he realised you were headed towards the door. "Where are you going?"

"I'm tired." You lied.

You weren't tired... you were just a bit hurt from Blinky's obvious lack of interest in you.

"So, I'm just going to head home early today."

A sharp sting set across Blinky's stone body before it finally reached his heart. He knew humans needed their sleep - far more sleep than any troll ever needed - but that didn't make it any less antagonizing to watch you leave.

"Ah, yes. I am sorry to have kept you for so long."

"Don't be. I enjoy our time together..." You tried not to think about the past few months, but rather all the time before the troll became distant.

"As do I."

"Good. I'll see some time tomorrow after I get off work." The ends of your mouth twitched up in a small smile.

Blinky immediately felt himself melting.

"Goodnight." With that, you turned around and headed out of Blinky's home.

Blinky listened to the sound of your feet hitting against the floor until he could no longer hear it. Once he knew you were gone, he mumbled a few words under his breath before he said a simple "goodnight" back to you.
A/n: Hopefully it was good!

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