Shall We?

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A/n: This is a Walter x reader. I wrote this during several sit down times because I had no idea what to write.

So, it's kind of good, kind of not. And I tried to keep it gender neutral, but if there's any use of female pronouns - I am sorry. I'm just used to writing things in the perspective of a female.

I hope you guys enjoy!
"Oh! Oh! I know, I know! Pick me, (Mr./Ms.) L/n!" Toby swung his hands high in the air, trying to catch your attention in the process.

"Yes, Mr. Domzalski?"

"The second vision thing that Macbeth saw was that bloody kid!" The young boy answered with much enthusiasm.

You smiled, "That is correct. Good job, Mr. Domzalski."

Toby puffed his chest out proudly at your slight appraisal. You shook your head - mentality, of course - and looked about your classroom. The kids seemed either bored out of their mind or completely attentive.

"Can anyone tell me what Macbeth's reaction was to this particular apparition?" You questioned, walking up and down the isle of chairs. No one raised their hand. "Not one of you? Hmm, perhaps a guess then? Mr. Palchuk?"

The blonde boy snapped his head up and looked at you with wide eyes. It was an obvious sign that he had not been paying attention.

"Uh, what was the question, (ma'am/sir)?" Steve scratched the back of his neck, uncomfortable with the all the attention of the class placed upon him.

Before you could open your mouth to ask the question again, the bell rang and all the students collected their items.

"I want you all to read the rest of Act IV and begin Act V tonight! You may or may not have a quiz over Act IV tomorrow!" You yelled as everyone hurdled out you door, ready to head off to lunch.

As soon as all the students were out, you sighed - it was a long and overdue breath you had been holding in. Sure, you loved your job and most of the children that came with it, but that didn't make it any less stressful on your part.

Everyday you had papers to grade, and every other month or so you had angry parents to deal with because they blamed you for their kid's failing grade... but let's not get into that. You didn't need to stress yourself out any more.

You moved out of the center of the room and walked over to your desk - you crashed down in the swirly chair that sat there. There wasn't much on your desk other than a laptop, a copy of Macbeth, pens and pencils, and some papers. So, you decided to take the moment to yourself and you laid your head down on the cool wood.

Tired. That was another word you would use to describe your current state. Being a teacher also meant you didn't get any sleep. And thus you kind of hated your teenage self for never taking the advantage of getting that extra sleep you could so desperately use right about now.

Suddenly a knock echoed throughout the empty room. You picked your head up quickly and composed yourself back to a professional state. Your e/c widened in half surprise at the person who stood in the doorway.

"Mr. Strickler!" You jumped up from your seat. "What brings you down to the English hallway? And more specifically, my classroom?"

The older man lent you a small smile. "I was just on my way to the teachers' lounge to get another cup of coffee when I noticed you were still in your room. And I thought, why not stop by and see how my colleague was doing."

Walter would be have been lying if he said he wasn't amused by the confusion on your face. You've always been an odd one to him - not in a bad way though! In fact, you were odd to him in the opposite. I suppose that Walter just found you intriguing for your oddness and of course many other things.

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